Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday, June 10, 2008 -Zoe's Questions

Hi all. I want to share a conversation Zoe and I had the other day.

Z - "Mommy, I don't want to watch this show. It's Alex's show."
G- "Yes, it is one of Alex's favorite shows."
Z- "Mommy, Alex come home soon?"
G-"No Zoe, Alex is dead. He can't come home. And that is very sad."
Z- "Alex cross the street?"
G-"No, Alex did not cross the street. Remember, Alex had a bump?"
Z-"Alex bonk his head?"
G-"No Zoe, Alex did not bonk his head. Alex's bump was inside his head." (tears flowing now)
Z-"I kiss it!"
G-"Zoe, that is very sweet. But you can't kiss Alex's bump. It is very sad that Alex is not here. But he loves you very much and will always be with you here (point to her heart)."
G-"Would you like to come outside and see your new playhouse?"
Z-"New playhouse? Oh YES, YES, YES!!!" (runs to back door)

The next day we had almost that exact same conversation again. Zoe really wants to make sense of this and she really, really wants her brother back. She wants to "kiss it and make it better." It is very sweet and very sad.

I have to say that I am doing better. I booked three camping trips for our family this summer. Our July trip we will be accompanied by five other wonderful families, all with young children. I'm so excited. We invested in some new camping gear and can't wait to get to the mountains for some R and R. We never got to take Alex camping. We did do hikes with Alex and several car rides. But it has been over two years since we really spent much time away in the mountains.

In addition to the camping trips, we are planning a trip to my home town for some fun lakeside living!! My family is going to be STUNNED when they see how Zoe has grown. I can't wait to get and give big hugs from them all!

Steve and I have been working hard on the back yard and specifically the play space. We should have it pretty complete within a week or so. We got a great play house kit for Zoe and friends assembled this past Sunday. She is so happy with it! We are in the process now of building a platform for it and painting it. I hope you like the picture!

Okay, I'm going to meet a girlfriend in a few. God bless you all and thank you for your continued support and wonderful comments.



Anonymous said...

Have I mentioned to you that there are two and sometimes three morning doves that hang out in your yard every early afternoon and most mornings? I always think of Alex when I see them.... There is a calm they bring and of course the symbol of peace is always a great reminder to me of all the lessons you've imparted throughout this blog. I am so glad you have kept this going and continue to share your heart with us.
Zoe is a blessing and an absolute doll! She mentions Linda every time an airplane flies overhead...she is processing many things right now. I have enjoyed having her come and hang out with me when I work in the yard. Her smile and enthusiasm melts my heart.
You look smashing with black hair by the way!
Take care and we'll see you soon!

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely the most beautiful and painful thing I have read in a while. I think of your family daily as you are never very far from my thoughts.

hugs from a stranger

Anonymous said...

What a sweet girl.

Hope you have a great time camping!