Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009 - Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Good Morning. I just want to thank the person that posted that last comment. I have always said that the comments on this blog are soooo much better than what I write. It has taken me several days to understand the first sentence but I think I have some comprehension of what was intended. Second of all, for the last three days I have been down and out with a fever and head congestion, so I could not "hold onto" all of those negative feelings. There was just not enough energy to be angry, hurt, or fearful. I was just ill. So, I have to say the break was worth it. Now, I am trying to figure out how to proceed. Action items are always best in situations like these. So I am searching for work and just trying to get my head around what will be on the other side of this tunnel. I really have no idea, but who does? So, today I just want to experience the day. Share some time with Zoe and recoup my strength.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know your positive thoughts and prayers have had an incredible impact on my well-being.

Have a great weekend! God bless.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednseday, February 25, 2009- This is Changing Me.

So I realized last night that I am changing at my very core. In order to facilitate change, I feel compelled to hold on to anger, mistrust, anxiety and fear. It is very exhausting staying in such a negative space and it is not my nature to absorb such negative states. I know if I let go that things will just move back to there "usual" which is why we are here now. So what do I do? Does divorce/separation usually change the parties involved into angrier, mistrusting souls? I have worked so hard at living a good life and being a good person, inside and out that this is causing me great distress. My body is even feeling the stress and is ill, again.

If you know how I can continue to stay motivated for a better life without losing myself, I would love to hear from you.

God bless.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009 - Another Day

Hi all. Thank you for the kind and supportive words and prayers. We all need them right now. I met with my tribe of incredible women last night and got some great hugs, good advice and action items. My anxiety right now concerns Zoe and her ability to cope with another dramatic change to her family.

God bless.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - A Darkness Falls

Morning again,

So an evil is creeping into my soul. I have desires to do despicable, mean things. Things that I know are wrong and will cause much turmoil in many lives. This blow has hit me harder than Alex's passing.

I can't bear to think of the raw deal Zoe has been given during her short time here so far. I only pray that somehow she will be okay. I can't answer the question "who will take care of Zoe while you take care of you?" I need help.

I called the divorce attorney today. I have been advised to not make any final decisions for a while, so that is what I plan to do. I just feel so betrayed and physically beaten up. My body is falling apart and I have no idea how to handle this phase so far.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009 - Another Bomb Has Dropped

I really don't how much to tell you so there is enough privacy to work through this for all involved but Steve and I are not doing well. I can't fix anyone but myself and that is what I plan to try to continue. I have no idea what life will look like at the end of this either. I'm pretty sure our home will have to be sacrificed. My main concern is who will take care of Zoe while I take care of myself. Thank you all for continuing on this journey with me. Here we go again!