Monday, May 26, 2008

Monday May 26, 2008 -My First Memorial Day

Good Morning. So the weekend has been a good one so far. Zoe had a play date with a new friend. He is five years old and they were fast friends at their first meeting a few weeks ago. Zoe absolutely loves following this boy around and playing with him. He is very sweet and just great to ZG. I know it is "co-dependent" of me; but I am happy when she is happy! I think all parents like to see their child(ren) smiling! I know I do!

Saturday, we kicked butt and took names on our front yard!! Our yard has always been an eyesore and on Saturday from dawn til dusk we whipped that puppy into shape! It looks better now than it has the entire six years we have lived here. It is a pleasure now to drive by the house and to open the door to friends. Needless to say, yesterday we were utterly exhausted!

Late yesterday afternoon, we headed up to Erie to be with some dear friends up there. It was a very laid back time and just what the doctor did not order! We were so excited to have ZG asleep before nine o'clock that Steve and I took the opportunity to watch a movie "on demand".

You see, I have fallen in love with Eddie Vedder's song "Hard Sun". I found out yesterday that he wrote and performed this and all of the other original songs for the movie "Into the Wild". So Steve and I watched it last night. It is the story of a young man that travels to Alaska after his college graduation. It turned out to be a VERY intense movie. I was sure I would have nightmares due to the subject matter. I did not have nightmares but I can't get this story out of my mind this morning. I just may watch it again! You see this young man is a "lost son" and during his travels to Alaska he becomes soul-bound to two characters that have each lost a son (via different means). The lessons of karma and "oneness" is profoundly exhibited in this movie and I must say very moving.

So today is Memorial Day. We have decided to update our prayer flags in front of the house today. You might remember last year's "Pavers and Prayers" party; where friends came to the house and made pavers for the play area and prayer flags for the temple chimes. It was a great day for everyone. The prayer flags are supposed to be granted when they fly off the temple chimes. Unfortunately, I used faux twine that is obviously indestructible and the prayers are just getting torn up in the wind. So Steve, Zoe and I will be making new prayers today and attaching those to the temple chimes with real twine.

Another way we will be honoring Alex is by sponsoring a Cambodian boy named Loun through the International Childreach Program. Steve and I just made this decision about five minutes ago but already I can feel my maternal warmth rising and releasing little specks of hope and joy in my body.

I hope today is a good day for you. We have had perfect weather the last two days but today will be cooler and cloudier. I'm glad about that. It seems appropriate. I have never really honored or even thought about anyone much on Memorial Day before. It has always just been a day "off" to me. This year though, everything has changed. I hope to use this day for healing and prayer. I hope to have a few milliseconds (or more) in the moment; enjoying the beauty and preciousness of life and being. I pray you do too.

God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for those beautiful pictures, Gwen. My son Dexter just turned five, and I am so thankful for him, especially in light of Alex's passing at the same age. He and you are still an inspiration.

Merri Ann

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I smiled when I saw the photos of little Alex. What a smile and a joy to see. I like your idea of working with the prayer flags yesterday. I hope it was a success!

We recently saw Into the Wild as well. What an intense movie! I also thought that I would have nightmares. It really does stay with you.

Hugs from Karlyn

Dean Steadman said...

I love seeing Alex's smile. Keep taking care of yourselves and little miss Zoe G.

Scott said...

Thank you for giving some personal meaning to Memorial Day for me! It's never had a whole lot of real meaning for me as a holiday to remember those who have died for my freedom (I can appreciate it, but not really feel the connection). I LOVE the idea of using it as a celebration of those who have had a personal impact on me and are not around to thank personally.

I also was glad to see the pics of Alex. His smile is infectious!

Take care (& congrats on the lawn! I'm battling a month's worth of neglect on mine right now).


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your very inspirational writing. I lost someone very close to me last year, and your writing makes me feel less alone and reminds me to enjoy my children.

God bless you and your family.