Sunday, March 08, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009 - Zoe!

Hi All,

I have been wanting to write a post on ZG. I know you are all probably very concerned about our precious little girl. Well, I am happy to report that Zoe is thriving and doing quite well. She has even become quite the little chatter box! As you may recall, we took Z out of school last November. The classroom transition was very stressful for Zoe and Steve and I thought it best to relieve Zoe from this stress for a time. The winter months were worrisome. Zoe was picking up on all of the "seasonal cues" and was pretty somber throughout the winter time. Well, the weather has turned unseasonably warm lately and Zoe has emerged as her old, gregarious self! She loves to do art and is quite the tempermental artiste! She has thrown her work away when it was "not good enough" for us to see it and also created an art gallery for some of her favorites.

Zoe started going to a nannyshare a couple of days a week and so far loves it. She has become great friends with the five-year-old boy in one nannyshare (surprise, surprise)! And prefers to direct the "cleaning up" portion of the day rather than assist. (I have no idea where she gets that!)

Zoe is an animal, specifically dog, FANATIC!!! She could play with dogs all day long. She loves to get in the dog crate, give the dogs check ups, and just romp around with them. It is great! We are somewhat concerned about the withdrawal she will experience when Noni leaves with the dogs on Tuesday, but we'll deal with that.

Zoe is currently playing tee ball and soccer. We are hoping to get her onto a team so she can really learn theses sports! Zoe loves to go the "kids club" at the gym with me and to fly on the swings like a bird.

We are allowing Zoe to do as much "regression" as she likes at this time. She loves to be held like a baby and given her bottle (water sippy cup). While this nourishes Zoe, it also nourishes me. She is slowly doing more without her pacifier than she is with it. Every doctor says she is fine and her teeth are fine as well. I personally don't like to see Z with a pacifier, but her therapist says it is "how she keeps me with her at all times"; so I deal with it.

Zoe has tried to learn how to ride her brother's bike with training wheels, but since the trike we had is broken, does not have the act of peddling quite yet. We hope to get her a trike/bike for her birthday. Z is quite excited about her upcoming birthday! She has given me a list of friends she wants to come to her party. It is long!!! So we'll see what we can make happen.

Well, I can't write everything that is wonderful about Zoe but those are the highlights! Zoe has asked me to "come to the big bed" (I'm currently sleeping in her room) with her and her dad. She does not understand why I say "no thank you". I'm sure she will do some more regression once Steve moves downstairs as well. Her therapists has suggested that we start reading age-appropriate books about separation and divorce to Z. I hope to go the library early next week to review the selections.

I have attached some recent photos of Zoe for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Much love, God bless!


PS-After three months of personal training, I am proud to announce that I have lost 8 pounds and several inches. Whoo Hoo!!!! Yeah ME!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Zoe is absolutely beautiful. What an incredible gift she is to your life! I am new to reading your blog, but have children of my own, and after reading of your experience with Alex know what a blessing and comfort Zoe must be to both you and Steve. My own experience in life and that with my kids has shown me that resiliency is built deep within us...and even though it may take time to emerge, the human spirit given love and hope usually seeks to find light and search on even when things don't make sense. Zoe has that light in her eyes...even if it takes time for her to navigate through it all.

It sounds like you are finding your way, day by day as well, and I am continuing to pray for you. Life change is never easy and especially when we feel we have had enough, but take heart...there is beauty, hope, light and peace ahead for you. You are loved and held by a creator or universe (however you experience this) that seeks your ultimate that you in turn, can give back to others who walk in the same path that you are walking now.

I have walked this path as well...and I can promise you that a week from now, a month from now....a year from now...your awareness of yourself and your purpose in this life will become clearer and that.

Facebook is not something that works for me, but if you'd like to exchange e-mails, I'd be open to that.

Peace and Blessings to you.