Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17, 2009 - St. Patrick's Day

Good Morning,

Well, last Tuesday, Steve moved into the apartment downstairs. Within one hour I completely "girlified" the bedroom and really love it. I have Oprah magazines on the bedside table and candles and flowers in the room. It makes me smile.

Steve and I are still able to stay light and generally cordial. He went out of town Saturday night to visit a friend for the evening and returned Sunday morning. Unfortunately I can't trust any of his words, so I was invited to get upset about this. Instead, Zoe and I went for a walk and had a very nice fire in our outdoor fireplace that evening. I still have to fight the negative feelings but only for minutes not hours now.

The best part of my world right now centers around personal training. The gym is offering an incredible deal. If I complete 20 pt sessions in the two months ending April 30th, then I get 10 pt sessions free! I'm using part of the tax return to fund this endeavor and so far I have only missed one day at the gym since Friday. Joshua, my trainer, decided this morning to make me his "member of the month". Which means we are now in a competition to with other trainers/clients to have the "best results" at the end of the month and win some prize. I think he said a dinner at McCormick's. I'm not so excited about getting food for working out but we'll see. I do have a competitive streak in me and that is great motivation.

I have to say that I am really changing, this time for the good. I would rather be moving than not, and my energy level has increased and the endorphines are wonderful!!! I love them! I am finally ready to let go of this "weight that I have been carrying around for so long." I am ready to be free! It just feels wonderful to be in this mindset.

I also joined Weight Watchers Online yesterday to help me track my food intake. So far so good! I would like to find a meeting run by a great leader. That is usually easier said than done, but I will give it a try.

The down side is that I have not sent out any resumes in the past two weeks. I am not motivated to find a full time gig doing bookkeeping. I just don't love accounting! I'm not too stressed by this, because I feel that I am on a path that will lead me to a good place one way or the other. Red House Staging is starting work in this city and I have asked to be a part of the staging/design team. It would just be wonderful to be able to move and be creative at work instead of sitting in front of a computer all day. At Kabbalah Experience, the month end accounting has been delegated to an outside person who is actually redoing all of the books since last day one. I am so excited that their books will be clean and to be free of that task. There is just not enough time in my 10 hour work week to fix the books. Instead I am doing more administrative, marketing work; which I prefer. I will also begin my 2nd class, Time, next week. It is a perk of the job too!

So you can see why I am not too stressed. Joshua says that if I don't control my stress all of this working out and food diligence will be for not. Stress can completely derail all of this hard work, so I need to focus on that too.

So I have attached a movie of Zoe reading a letter she found. She was just too adorable and I am so happy to share this with you. I hope you enjoy it.

So this Saturday night, it is my turn to go out and about. I have some great plans with Lisa. I can't wait!

Okay, Jillian, thank you for the note. If you would like to send me an email at fightthebump@comcast.net, we can correspond that way.

Thanks so much to you all. I know your thoughts and prayers are a huge part of my well-being.

Happy St. Patty's day!


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