Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunday's Post- June 25th

Wow, thank you all for the letters of support, hope and good wishes. It is nice to know that you all are out there. I have been thinking about "what we need" and the answer is really for Alex to be whole and to have normalcy in our lives again. I do know Alexander loves to receive mail so if anyone wanted to send him pictures or letters or anything else, please feel free. We will deliver anything we receive during the hospital stay to him immediately.

Also, I have a request for all of the parents of Alex's friends. We are hoping that Tuesday's appointment with Dr. Handler will be in the afternoon and that Alex can go to school that morning. So if possible please ask the kids (if you even told them) to not upset Alex if they see him Tuesday. Alex is still the same fun-loving, smiling boy he has always been and we do not want him scared or worried. Steve told him he was going out to town 10 days before this last trip and Alex worried and asked about it every one of those 10 days. Also, just know that if you call or see us in person, we ask that great sensitivity for Alex's ears be taken. We have tried very hard to have our phone conversations out of his earshot. So just act as normal as possible at least until after Wednesday. It won't do Alex or any of us any good if everyone is crying around him. I was crying in the car Friday on our way home from the hospital and Alex asked "Mommie are you sad? Mommie, why are you sad?" I told him it was because Daddy's flight was delayed and we were not going to be able to see him before bedtime. I hate lying but feel it is appropriate at this time. I am really just winging it here.

Finally, if anyone can think of a place where we can have a "party" Tuesday night, Alex has asked to have dinner with all his friends! I think this is a wonderful idea and would love to see everyone. So if you read this and can think of a place we can gather maybe a park or something very kid friendly; order some pizzas; and just hang out and watch the kids be kids that would be wonderful.

Okay, well sleep is not very plentiful these days and Steve and I are both pretty stressed out but we are working together to make each day as good as possible. Tomorrow we meet the Neuro-oncologist, Dr. Foreman and Alex has a physical from what I understand. Steve will get to ask his questions and see the MRI images for himself. These are hard to see because as the doctor said "these tumors are usually quite large". It really made me angry to see such an ugly thing in my baby boy's head.

Alex had a headache this morning and I nearly panicked. The doctor gave us some "emergency medicine" in case he starts having trouble breathing, swallowing or speaking. That really puts a parent on alert! But two minutes later he said his head was okay.

Well, I guess that is it. I need to get back to being Momma. Love you all, big hugs too. I hope to see you Tuesday evening. Thank you all again.



Anonymous said...

I will most definitely write him a letter and I will email you some helicopter pictures. I wish I had some hard copies to send him, but that is kind of hard for me to get a hold of out here. I am also preparing him a very special gift that will take a few weeks to put together. I have told everyone in my unit about Alex, and they all hope the best for him.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this blog and including us. I cannot hold back my tears reading about this horrible thing you all face. A dear friend of ours survived a large brain tumor (several surgeries and ultimately complete removal) and is now successfully practicing law. So I hold hope that Alex will overcome and grow to be a strong man some day. You are right to cherish every moment now - as we all should - because tumor or not, life is fleeting. I will ask my friends about resources available to families and pass along anything helpful. In the meantime, please call on us anytime... to play with Zoe, pick up groceries, lend an ear, you name it. We are here and we're listening.
Chantell, Matt, and the girls

Anonymous said...

Gwendolyn, Steve, Alexander, and Zoe

Our prayers are with you and your family. You have some many family and friends who love you all dearly that we will do anything that you ask of us. Please reach out as I know it is hard but that we are with you in prayer, provide you a hug and a listening ear.

Kierstyn would love to give Alexander one of her drawings from art class.

Please please let us know what we can do.

Love and Prayers from the Leo's

Anonymous said...

Gwendolyn, Steve, Alexander, and Zoe

Our prayers are with you and your family. You have some many family and friends who love you all dearly that we will do anything that you ask of us. Please reach out as I know it is hard but that we are with you in prayer, provide you a hug and a listening ear.

Kierstyn would love to give Alexander one of her drawings from art class.

Please please let us know what we can do.

Love and Prayers from the Leo's

Anonymous said...

Gwendolyn and everyone. IWe are organizing an outing at the small Lakewood amusement park near Alex's home for Tuesday night at 6:00. Potluck/picnic sort of thing. Details to follow in a separate email. Please plan on attending in honor of Alex.

I will post another blog with further details for those of you who wish to join and for whom I don't have an email address.

Love to Gwen, Alex, Steve and Zoe..

Susan Aldridge (

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!