Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday, December 5th

Good Morning. Well the Make-A-Wish Christmas Store was a complete hit! Alex and Zoe had a blast. Alex got his face stenciled with Santa and a Xmas tree. Zoe entertained the masses with her independence and cute self. Alex has a bag full of wrapped gifts all ready to go under the tree (whenever we get one).

Well all weekend through today the kids have been down with bad colds. Neither has a fever so we have not had to go to the hospital or pediatrician. Thank God!! Zoe and I are starting to get some cabin fever though. Steve left on a biz trip yesterday and these four walls are closing in fast! Hopefully Alex will go to school tomorrow morning. I am pretty sure he is well enough to go to PT this afternoon. It will do him good to see his physical therapist (that he has a crush on) and get moving again. Zoe also loves to play in the gym during Alex's PT sessions.

When Steve gets home we plan to go to Disney on Ice! It is nice to have something fun planned for the kids. They miss Steve so much when he is gone. Zoe came to me this morning and took me to the back door saying "dow steers" (downstairs, for those that don't speak Zoe). She wanted to go see her daddy who's office is set up downstairs as well as his gym and bear cave! Alex said to me a few minutes ago, "Mom, I don't want daddy to go on trips anymore." I told him they are very important trips that daddy goes on for his work. (Steve, I am not trying to give you a guilt trip, just telling it like it is, XOXO.) So like I said it will be nice to have a family outing when Steve returns. Especially since the weekend was a bust.

Well I really can't think of much else to say. Beside the colds, life is pretty uneventful right now. I should be getting the house set up for Xmas, but all the stuff is in the attic and it is too dangerous for me to get down by myself. I think I will enjoy a week off and just take care of the kids. That is a full time job any parent understands!

Hope you all are well. Have a wonderful week.

God bless.


Anonymous said...

I love that picture. It's great seeing those big smiles.

Anonymous said...

I hope this finds your holiday as bright as the smiles in that picture. :o)


Anonymous said...

I love reading your Blog's! It is strange how we live next door, but never really see each other (D and I are such hermits!) Anyway, I love to see how you all are, and I am so thrilled that you all are able to do so many fun things! I agree with Dean, it's great to see those beautiful smiles! We will have you over for dinner soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Gwen - What a spectacular photo! Hope you, Steve, Alex and Zoe all have a warm, snuggly and very happy Christmas! May the swirling banshee cries of Denver's wicked weather never even be heard above the sounds of giggling, clapping and caroling. Merry, Merry Christmas to you all!