Tuesday, June 19, 2007

"What is dead?"; Tuesday, June 19th

Hi all. So it is 2:40am and once again I cannot sleep. I do not know if it is life, stress or all of the "metabollic boosters" this new "lifestyle" has us on but I don't do well without my rest! Anyway, I have had a few posts in my head for a while now so I thought I would just go ahead and get them done.

So here is a conversation that occurred last Tuesday or so. I had asked Alex to help me spot a mailbox on the way to pick up Zoe at school. He wanted to know why. I told him that I had a Father's Day card for granddad. Alex paused and said "but Grandpa is dead." My mind wondered whether he meant my dad or Steve's (who just passed in January). Then I realized that Alex no longer has a biological granddad anymore and that it did not matter which one he was speaking of. I then told Alex that he was right, but the card was going to Randy, my step father and his granddad. Then I asked him, "do you know what dead means?" He stopped playing his handheld game and looked up and said "too old?"

Well, I thought about that, and had to agree. So I told him "yes, too old is exactly right." What else could it mean?

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