Tuesday, December 04, 2007

alex is gone


Anonymous said...

Bless him. Bless you all.
My heart flies for him at this moment and aches for you, for all who knew him and for the world that didn't have him long enough.
Much sorrow and love,

Anonymous said...

The words hit me like a ton of bricks. All of my being feels for you all, and for all of us who knew his beautiful nature.

Unknown said...

Much love to your family. You will be in my thoughts at every second.

Ms. Alicia and Family

Anonymous said...

I cannot say how sorry I am at this moment. But I know in my heart, that Alex will always be part of you. My heart goes out to all of you.


Mama Beck said...

God Bless Alex.
God Bless You.
God Bless Steve.
God Bless Zoe.
God Bless all your family and friends.
I have silently stood witness and prayed for you daily since Alex's diagnosis. I will continue to pray for you and your family as you continue this journey.

- Rebecca

Anonymous said...

We wish you peace and glorious memories of Alex, a very special and courageous boy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Heather, Billy, Lilli and Juno Gregg

Anonymous said...

S, G, & ZG,

I am at a loss for words. My heart is empty with 'our' loss, our's because Alex was a bright ray of sunshine in all of our lives. He said that sunrise was the best time of day. I will always remember being able to enjoy a few of those special moments with him.

My (our) thoughts and prayers are always with you.

M&M Doodha

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. Alex was such a fighter and such an amazing child. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Unknown said...

How blessed we are to have been such a small part of his life. Thank you for blessing us with Alex. You are in our prayers.

Unknown said...

We are all better for having known him. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
-(Miss) Katherine

Anonymous said...

What a joyeous day in Heaven today!! God brought his little boy home. And God will also fill your hearts with continued comfort, peace and love. Alex brought so much to this world......even to those like us, who never had the pleasure to meet him face to face. But by the Grace of God, someday we will meet him. May you all be feeling the loving arms of Christ surround you, your family and friends and be filled with peace knowing that Alex is complete and whole again in Christ. Lovingly, The Lundy family

Anonymous said...

My heart and soul ache for your loss. Please know that you have a world of love and support surrounding you.
Our love,
Chantell and family

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to all of you. The pain of your loss is beyond words. I feel so fortunate to have known Alex. He was so special, and he put up a brave fight until the very end. Feel our support and love from afar. You are surrounded by so many people that love you, and I hope you can continue to lean on everyone as you try to find your way through this next difficult phase. Our thoughts are with you all.
Love from Karlyn and family

Anonymous said...

We ache for you, and miss dear Alex already.

We love you,
Susan, Jevin, Emma and Mitchell

Anonymous said...

Elena, Malena and Dean

Anonymous said...

I have no words, just an aching heart that I am trying to keep filled with wonderful memories of my time with Alex and filled with prayers for your family.

Anonymous said...

may you all take comfort in the fact that you were his stength and champions. You have showed such grace and love. I am contiuing to pray for you all. Alex's wings are shinny today.

All my love,

Anonymous said...

You go and fly high Alex!! Go and grab that piece of sky that is yours now. You've earned it!!

Gwen,Steph and family,
All my love. That is all I can think of to say right now. I am so sorry. Kerry

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. Our hearts and thoughts are with you.

Todd and Wendy Kamens

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to all of you during this most difficult time. I wish your family peace and comfort in knowing that Alex is with God now. I continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers, and my deepest sympathies for you G, S, and ZG.

Lots of Love and Hugs
Danielle and Rowan

cephotos said...

My world is a much better place having been touched by Alex and his perfect smile. I'm sending love your way G, S, and ZG!

Anonymous said...

To all of you I am remembering the great times I had with Alex threw the last few years....his smile seems to come up in each memory! He and all of you are deeply loved by many...and know that God will take care of him and that he is in a good place. All my love and heart goes out to you....you will be in my prayers! MUCH love!

Miss Katie (part of your MAC family)

Anonymous said...

Our hearts are forever imprinted with the incredible spirit of the most extraordinary child we have ever known.

Alex ran the most incredible race...and beat the odds so many times. His joy was infectious...his faith in the future unquenchable. He never wasted a moment...but lived each day to the fullest. He was wise beyond his years...could melt any heart with his smile.

The standard of "living" that he set before us is a challenge to all. Thank you for sharing him with us...and making us part of your family...it has been a rare privilege to walk this desperate journey with you all. May you actually "feel" God's comfort this day.

Wish we could be with you...but travel is so difficult. Our love goes with you and we pray that God will carry you until you are able to enjoy the sunrises once more...and remember. Love always..

Dianne and Paul

Anonymous said...

My heart aches for you and your family. there are no words that I can say that will ease your grief, but I want to say thank you for sharing your journey with us out here. You are in my thoughts and heart tonight and always.

Hugs from a stranger

Anonymous said...

Alex was a great kid with two wonderful parents who did everything possible to keep him safe and secure during his battle with his brain tumor.

All our love is with you at this time.

Anonymous said...

Our hearts and thought are with you, Steve, Zoe, and your brave and beautiful boy.

The Slaters

Anonymous said...

Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.

Laura, Pat, Jacob and Rachel Morris

Anonymous said...

Dearest Alex,

You are free! No more "pokes," no more yucky medicines, no more scans, no more bump, no more pain. You are free to run, to fly with angel wings, to see endless sunrises and sunsets, to be with friends and family who have gone "home" before you, to chase marshmallow clouds, to dance and sing in the moonlight, to skip across the stars, and to guard your family and friends who have been left behind. I don't know why you had to leave us so soon, but I am so very happy to have gotten to know you. Your amazing spirit will be with all of us always. I will always remember your radiant smile, your sweet, sweet personality, the feel of your hand in mine when we would walk together, your willingness to always do what was asked of you, your silly jokes, and the feel of your arms around my neck when you gave me hugs.

Dearest Gwen and Steve,

Thank you for helping to create such an incredible little boy, and for sharing him with us. The world is truly a better place because Alex lived. Thank you for teaching us, all over again, that each of us does not have any amount of time guaranteed here on earth, to make the most of every moment, and most of all, to be grateful for the blessings in our lives. It is a very special lesson to me, one that I have incorporated into my daily life since following your blog. Last of all, but certainly not the least, thank you for sharing your and Alex's story with us. I have followed the blog every day, and have read all of the archived blogs many, many times. It just helped me to feel closer to Alex and to all of you. I don't understand why Alex had to leave all of us so soon. I don't understand why a malignant "bump" had to develop in his brain. I just know that I am most grateful to have gotten to know Alex, Zoe, and both of you.

From a beautiful old Irish blessing (sung at the funerals of both of my parents):
May the roads rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back.
May the sunshine warm your face, May the rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Anonymous said...

The vision of Alex watching his family and friends as he dances with the angels softens the reality of our loss. Alex was blessed to have picked you as parents. He was so smart. You were so present for Alex in health and your support of him through his illness was compellingly selfless. You are truly awesome. I trust you are comforted in knowing that his liberation is allowing his loving nature to live on through those touched by him in his brief visit among us.
There is so much love surrounding you and I pray that helps you. My condolences to you, your extended family and friends who will help support you.-Virginia

Anonymous said...

My love and hugs to you and your family Gwen! He is in better place now with no aches and pains. I will forever cherish my memories and secrets with Alex.
My prayers are with you all, God Bless and take care.

Ms. Grace (MAC)

Anonymous said...

There are so many things I would like to say, that I don't know how to start. Alex was such amazing boy and know he is such amazing angel, he is finally free, we could think that he lost a battle, but actually he won because he is now free, no more pain, no more meds, no wanting to go out and play, because now he can go wherever he wants, and I believe all the angels in the sky are just very happy to have him. And for you Gwen, I have no words to describe you, you are amazing, no wonder why Alex was so amazing, I hope for you and your love ones to find peace after all this you went through. Now instead of praying for Alex, I will put Alex to work and will pray to him now.

Thank you for sharing your son's story, Alex touched my life and he will always be in my thoughts.

I hope you can get through this soon, because you still have a beautiful daughter that needs you, and of course a husband that is sharing your same pain.

Hugs and best thoughts,
Amalia Castaneda

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing Alex with the world. Your words helped me to realize what is important in life, and to be a better parent.

I am so sorry for your loss, I hoped he would be able to prove all the doctors wrong. My prayers are with your family.

Anonymous said...

My heart aches for all of you, but I'm joyous that Alex is in the Lord's hands.

Bless you all - and know that Alex is watching every moment.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Our prayers go out to you and your family...

Mark and Jessie

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for you and your family's loss. You all are in my heart. I am praying for you all. The ladies in my office send their deepest sympathy, as they have followed this journey with me thru Alex's blog.
With love and comfort,
Tracie, Jeff and Colby

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry for the painful journey your family is going through. Thankfully Alex is no longer hurting. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you all forever.
Katie Sledge and Family

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry, Gwen. My heart is breaking for you and your family. Again, I wish I had words that would help.

I hope that you, Steve, and ZG are able to treat yourselves extra kindly during this time...whatever direction that might take. Please know we are thinking of you, and that our family will always remember Alex's bright smile, his capacity for joy, and the depth of the love his family held for him. And the love that he had for you all as well.

Peace, big hugs, and all our sympathies,

J & K Clark

Anonymous said...

Somehow, words seem so pathetically inadequate in the face of such pain and loss but I hope I can communicate how broadly and deeply your family has touched the community reflected on this blog. You are all in our hearts, in our prayers and, most certainly, in our embrace. Thank you so much, Gwen, for courageously sharing your journey with us. Alex may have gone to be with his Grandfather but he will also be with all of us for many years to come. Be of a tranquil spirit, my Dear, for you, Steve and Zoe have given your amazing son an absolutely legendary Bon Voyage...

Anonymous said...

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
-Kahlil Gibran

My thoughts and prayers are with you... Me Ke Aloha Pumehana E Malama Pono Nui Loa Aloha A Hui Hou

Love from Hawaii ~Miss Rachel

Scott said...

Oh, Gwen....

I'm SO sorry.

Words are inadequate and hugs just aren't in the offing.

I'll talk to you soon.

Thank You, and Bless You All.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say except that I will miss him so much.

My prayers are with you,
Sue Coffey

Beryl Vaughan said...

12/5/07 9:30 a.m. PST

Gwen, Steve and Zoe,
and also Alex who is missing from that list so achingly, and also joining another with such joy,

You are all in our tears and prayers. Sheer terror has kept us from your posts and telephone--the terror of parents--yet this morning I saw a link to this site in an old email and came--your emotions must be tremoring far and wide. I am crying with you, as I bet all the mothers who know you are. Much much love, remembering you on your wedding day full of joy and hope and faith that God would take care of you with a wisdom beyond your understanding. And I believe that has not changed.

Hugs and more hugs, Beryl Vaughan--and David who is not here but will hear from me soon with this sad news.