Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008 - Gratitude

Good morning,

I want to thank all of you who have expressed such kindness and warmth in your comments to this blog. It is absolutely amazing and really does make me think. I wrote the first paragraph of a draft of my life's story. Then I started rambling and then the doubt set in about whether any one would be interested in such a story. I hope to just get it out then let someone else make that determination. I also want to write about Alex's story and I have a few other ideas for some books I always thought I'd like to write (and read). Wish me luck, courage, clarity and conviction!!

Zoe goes to see Alex's play therapist today for the first time. I am looking forward to her having an outlet for her emotions other than growling at people. She especially likes to growl at Nonnie. I don't know if I should discipline her on this or realize that Nonnie is a safe person for her to growl at (express herself) without repercussion. We'll see!

The 1st part of this week was horrible for me. Steve and I went back on our Slim 4 Life program and had to do this "restart" on Monday and Tuesday that set me off into a piss poor mood! I'm not drinking alcohol and now that I have gone 3 days without it, it's okay but believe you me I wanted some damn wine!!! I lost 8 pounds those first 2 days and Steve lost 4 (he did not wear good "weighing in" clothes, in my opinion). So hopefully the weight will continue to come off.

My first therapist interview is next week. I really don't look forward to this but know it is a necessary evil. I'm soooo much better at stuffing feelings (and myself) than working on all of my baggage.

Okay, I really just wanted to thank everyone for everything. You can't imagine the incredible gestures of support that we get daily. It is so wonderful. This is a good world and there are very nice people in it! Thank you all for reminding me of that!

I have lunch and coffee appointments with some of Dr. Foreman's staff in the next week. I really do want to find a way to put them on a beach with absolutely nothing to do!! Wish me luck!

Okay, gotta get! God bless and hugs!


Anonymous said...


I am so happy to hear that you have starting writing. It has always amazed me at the clarity and truth in your writing. You are a wonderful writer. Keep going! Great to see you yesterday..I will get back to you on dinner and yoga dates today!!!

Love, Crissy

Anonymous said...

So, funny! Crissy total wrote what came through my mind when I saw that you want to do a book! I have thought since I started reading your blog, that, "Gwen needs to write!" I know you like interior design, but I think you may have a deeper calling! You are a refreshingly honest writer! I still think you should publish this blog. Think of all the people it could touch and support.... Gwen, you are wonderful! And I may not ever express that in person to you, but you have touched, challenged and inspired me! I am so glad you are my neighbor!!!!!
I want to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, good news. Glad you will write. Someday I will get an opportunity to say I know someone who has written a best selling book :)

My thoughts remain with you all. Hope the weeks on the diet go smoothly and things go well for Zoe.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear you are doing something for yourself, even if it is a diet. ;-) Again, THANK YOU for all you have done. Your writing has touched us to the core and I encourage you to keep it up! Our younger son turned One today. As I wondered around the shops looking for a special gift for him yesterday, I couldn't find that perfect something to convey my feelings of gratitude for him. So, after an hour and a half of wandering around it struck me to donate to the neuro oncology dept at Children's, as you suggested. So, that's what we did. I got him a $1.99 monkey dish so he'd have something to open, he still preferred the wrapping paper!! Plus, we used the money we had set aside for his gift for a donation. It won't buy a new wing of the hospital or anything, but hey, it's better than more toys or clothes he doesn't need. You are still in our prayers every day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gwen

I am so happy for you that you are writing, I always wanted to mentin that to you, everytime I read your blog, However I think that is going to help you to let some emotions out. If you ever sell your books I will be one of the first ones to buy it. Edoardo says hi, and he still asks a lot about Alex. Have a Great day.

Amalia Castaneda

Anonymous said...

Hi Gwen -

Thank you for sharing some of the most difficult emotions a mother can have. It is remarkable how I can understand each and every thing you say, and my prayers go out to you every day as you go through your grieving and healing. I have not left a message, but I have been checking your blog every day. I would really love to talk or get together with you, first as a mother who understands and is still grieving also, and second to talk about your desire to help put these doctors and nurses out of business. Our foundation has the same goal! Please contact me at your leisure, and know that I send many prayers and hugs your way.

Julie O'Connell
mother of angel Kyle
Kyle O'COnnell Foundation