Friday, March 07, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008 - Dreamy Alex

So last night I had a dream. Alex and I were on vacation and I think Steve was working on this vacation, because we talked about meeting him "after work." Alex still had cancer but it was not terminal and he was quite active. I remember we went swimming, sight seeing and bought souvenirs from a very rude clerk. Anyway, I was so happy. I felt so much joy and delight in every moment of this dream. Alex made me laugh, like he always did, and it was just an incredible experience.

Unfortunately, all good things must end and this dream ended when this thought popped into my head - "how is Alex here, if he is dead?" and just as soon as that thought came to me, Alex was gone. When I told Steve about it this morning, I started crying (like now). I think the sadness comes from remembering the feeling of being with Alex. He always brought joy and laughter, smiles and amazement to my world. Oh, I miss him so much. So very, very much.

Sorry this post was such a downer. I just wanted to document this event so that I never forget.

Love and God Bless,



Anonymous said...

Having the dream must have been a very bittersweet experience; it makes my heart hurt just reading about it.

Anonymous said...

My heart aches for you. I honestly belive dreams are one medium in which we can have contact with those who pass on before us. The bad side is that hte dreams do have to come to a conclusion with the dawing of a new day. Hugs to you.

Shantell Gutierrez

Anonymous said...

You should never forget that deep of love. I wish I could dream him too!

love, Tina

Anonymous said...

I remember a few months after my first husband passed away that I had the sweetest dream about him. When I woke up and realized that it was only a dream and he was really gone, I was crushed. It was like losing him all over again. Now that time has passed I look back on that dream and I really do believe that he was with me that night . . . that those we have lost speak softly to us as we sleep. Years later I still get visits from him and now they make me wake up happy. I hope you continue to get gentle visits from Alex and that he can bring you some peace in your sleep.
As always, thank you for sharing your story.
Julie Slater

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got to feel him with you. Sweet sweet boy.