Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday, April 27 2009 - Oh the Internet

Hi all,

I am trying to navigate my way into a new career here. I am working very hard to start writing and somehow get paid for it. They say you should do what you love and as you can tell, I do enjoy sharing with you. My new venture will be up and running soon, so stay tuned!

I have to say getting away was good. First we visited my family for Easter. That was very nice and a good time was had by all. Zoe got a new kitten. I thought the name was Lucy, but have since learned that it is Loosy Goosy. So be sure you get that right! She is a sweet, low maintenance kitten and we love her very much.

After the trip home, I flew to St. Louis to attend a wedding. While there I saw some dear, long-time ( hate to use the word "old") friends and made some new ones too. It was so great to be out and about and social. I realized Saturday night how pathetic and lonely my new life is when the best thing I could think of to do was the mass of towels and linen laundry at our local laundromat. We have a washer and dryer. I just wanted to get it all done within hours instead of days. Now that is sad! I have to make an effort to get out more!

Okay, back to it. Hope your day is a good one and that you enjoy it even it is not.


Yesterday, we all set up the layout for Alex's tribute garden. This has been years in the making and I know it will get planted this year. I have some pics for you too.


Anonymous said...

The pictures of Zoe are absolutely adorable!! Thanks for sharing them with us.

Anonymous said...

The garden is going to be so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Zoe is sooo cute. Glad to hear fro you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me to your blog Gwennie!! I really think this is so cool. Best of luck on your new venture. I love writing too, maybe I will get my feet wet by following your lead. I hope you know you and your family have been in my prayers for quite some time. I think of you often, and I miss meeting up with you back home. Zoe's getting so big and more beautiful every day. She shares Alex's beautiful big smile. You are an amazing woman. I have great admiration and love for you always. Love, Tori

Anonymous said...

Thought of you when I saw this Gwen...It's simply amazing. Enjoy.

