Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 - Happy Birthday Alex!

Today would have been Alex's 7th birthday but my thoughts are more on the day I met our beautiful boy. A massive snow storm was heading towards Denver and the maternity ward at Rose was so full that the doctor decided to postpone my induction. Supposedly foul weather and births are highly correlated! My family was in town to throw a baby shower and I really wanted my mom and sister at the birth. So when I went to bed that Sunday night, I was very disappointed that there were no plans for me to go to the hospital the next day, since my family would be departing in the morning. Well, that all changed when a headache set in and I called the doctor. Since my blood pressure had been elevated recently, I was told to "come on in". After that it really becomes a blur. There was the hideous epidural, then the French nurse telling me to "poosh, poosh!" Then there was Alex, pointy head and all! He was absolutely beautiful and my heart grew as soon as I met him. He was healthy and happy and I had to get out of the birthing room to make way for the next mother to be. Steve bathed our boy and we all met back in a hospital room. Alex latched on easily and I knew I had found my true calling, to be a mother. It all made sense. Of course, a mother. That is what I had been waiting for, the purpose of my life, the meaning of my life, the joy of my life! I wept happy tears of anticipation for the family we had become. The massive snow storm that developed did not fail to keep my mother and sister from making it to the hospital that day. We all knew that the snow would be a significant part of the tale of Alex's birthday, too. We did not know that it would also be a part of his departure. You see, the day we said "good-bye" to our baby, it snowed as well. I remember exiting the chapel and crossing the street in a wonderful white haze. The snow was falling and as our balloons raised our prayers to the sky, we all appreciated the beauty of the moment. So on this snowy, snowy day. I think of Alex in every snowflake, absolute perfection, that allows us to stop and take some time to cuddle with our loved ones and enjoy some special moments. Alex wants us all to find our happiness and he is offering you a snowy day to reflect, bond and find peace. Happy Birthday Alex! We love and miss you more than words can say. My heart aches today, but it also knows that you are not gone, merely transformed. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and all that know you. God bless! G

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Alex!!!!!!

Heather Parzynski