Monday, February 12, 2007

Monday, February 12th

Hi. I feel horrible for the last post. All I can attribute it to is pure exhaustion. Unfortunately we did not get much rest over the weekend. Alex has had a very difficult weekend. He is only eating his breakfast and basically is not enjoying much. We even had dinner with our dear neighbors and Alex's best friend Saturday and all he could do was lay on the couch. He would not play or engage in conversation. His rest is intermittent at best due to the choking and fright that he wakes up to. Yesterday he fell asleep on the couch for several hours. His doctor wants to see him this afternoon and another MRI may be scheduled soon.

Please forgive me my rudeness and abrasiveness. I did not make it to church yesterday instead I did an advanced step workout and I did feel better and even spoke to God during it! =0)

Well, I just wanted to apologize to everyone. As I was researching love quotes for my annual Valentine's Day cards I found this and wanted to share it. It seems so relevant right now.

"You know quite well, deep within you, that there is only a single magic, a single power, a single salvation...and that is called loving. Well, then, love your suffering. Do not resist it, do not flee from it. It is your aversion that hurts, nothing else." Hermann Hesse

God Bless and Happy Valentine's Day!



Anonymous said...

You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for! Each day that you get through and go onto the next should be considered a triumph. We all wish you our strength to keep waking up each day with hope in your heart so that Alex can see that in you. I am sure that is one of the things that keeps him going. You are doing exactly what you need to make it all work!

Love and Strength,

Anonymous said...

No need for apologies--you are an amazing example of strength in the face of adversity, but you are also human. We are all thinking of you and wishing the best for you and your family.
~Annie Tunheim

Anonymous said...

The only person to apologize to is yourself, because you are being way to hard on her. I believe that a good ranting is due after the month you have had. Take a moment to breathe, hug Zoe and Alex and try to a little nicer to you. You are doing an amazing job, and I admire you for all of your strength.

Shantell Gutierrez

Anonymous said...

Gwen - no worries! I would have lost it with all that you are trying to balance and keep some sense of normal in your life! It is so hard when it all seems like it is spinning. A be hugs from me. Take one day at a time and know that we are all there for you...even if you want a little escape let me know and maybe we could catch a movie or something!

Anonymous said...

opps - the last one was from me! I forgot to put my name :) Jo-Nell