Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Monday, February 20th

Good Morning. Well congratulate us, we FINALLY took down and put away all of the Christmas holiday decorations!!! Yes, I know it is after Valentine's Day but you all know how crazy life has been around here. The house feels so blah now. Can I just put the lights back up? =0)

Besides that triumph, and a victory over auto repair scams (long story, don't ask) life has been fairly boring. I got a great cut and color last Friday and I feel quite "sassy" as Steve puts it. My friend looks great and today is her debut at work. I pray that her coworkers love the cut and color as much as I do. She looks FABULOUS!

Alex is feeling better. Friday was a hard day for him but he is pretty much back to normal (whatever that means). Zoe has been taking lots of naps around here and we think she is growing. Alex and I went to the store to get Roxie more toys and so far she seems to love them. Her favorite is the moose we got her with long legs that she bites and shakes vigorously. She loves going on her walks and it has been a godsend to us to be forced to get outside and enjoy some fresh air.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I leave Thursday on my company's annual retreat. We are going back to Santa Fe this year. I'm glad to go but will miss everyone horribly. We tried to find someone to watch the kids but upon second thought, that did not seem like such a good idea right now. I don't think Alex could handle being "left" with someone for a long weekend. So Steve is staying with the kids. Since he has a free ticket to fly in the U.S., I made him promise me that he would go away for a long weekend as well.

I hope you have a wonderful day!
God bless.

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