Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wednesday, December 19th - Good Morning After All

Collective Soul has been one of my favorite bands for a very long time. As I was listening to their new album "Afterwords" I felt as it was written for us. The song below says how I feel many days and I wanted to share it with you. I highly recommend the album as well!

"Good Morning After All"

Yeah you give up some days
When the tears they must flow
But God is always your strength

The only strength that you know
Now everything starts to fall in place

As you wake just to crawl
Still you say good morning after all
Yeah you stand just to fall
Still you say good morning after all

Yeah you questioned this life
Sure you wondered about love
But you swear there's always hope
Always hope from above
Now everything starts to fall into place


It's just another breath
It's just another breath you say
It's just another step
It's just another step today


Anonymous said...

Beautiful...thanks for posting this. :o)

Hugs from a stranger

Anonymous said...

Gwen -
Thank you so much for your strength and your words. Thank you for sharing all that you do. You have made me truly believe that there is always hope and love (and that makes all the difference in the world!) What an incredible Christmas gift you have given to each of us. We will be thinking of you over the holidays and hope to see you very soon -
Love, Alison and Eric

Anonymous said...

Thank you Gwen,
I needed that. 10 days ago I found a lump on Isaiah's leg. We have gone through the whole gamet of tests in the last 6 days and he will have surgery on Friday. When we were referred to the oncologist yesterday I couldn't believe it. I don't know how you guys were so strong during this journey. I will always look to you as a role model and person of strength and I hope to find some of my strength through you. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and you will continue to be in our prayers.
Alisha Secrest

Anonymous said...

I have loved Collective Soul for 10 years or more. This is a great song, too. I am glad it gives you something to work toward and give you some strength in all this. Thoughts continue with you and the family, especially at this time of year. I wish there was something someone could do to ease the sadness....
Let's get together soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gwen.
You all have been in my thoughts all week....we send you our warmest wishes for some joy this coming week and will be thinking of you. I would love to see you, if only for a quick hug or a squeeze of the hand or a glass of to you all! Heather