Friday, August 07, 2009

Zoe Grace - A Kid's Kid, August 7, 2009

As much as I wish Alex were alive and well, I wish you could know Zoe Grace. She is an absolutely amazing child. Every week, I hear "what an imagination" or "what a beauty". People just have to comment when they experience the ZG. She has a wonderful energy and her imagination is AWESOME! So far we have met Lucky, her horse, Fluff, her bird, and Bolt, her dog. I wish I could remember the name of her "inside" chipmunk. Zoe makes friends wherever she goes and has been likened to "Max" from the classic tale "Where the Wild Things Are" which Steve and I agree is a very good way to describe Z.

Zoe still misses her brother, as do we all. And there are times when I can feel Alex's absence in Zoe's playtimes. It is heartbreaking to even think about what she has missed out on. To put it in perspective, I was told "You have to remember, Zoe picked this life so don't pity her, rejoice in her." Someday, maybe we will all understand. But as I have said before, there is no answer to the question "why?" that would be satisfactory so therefore there is no "Why?"

Okay, so back to the living. We have had a busy summer and I am not ready for Fall. I was in a JoAnne Fabrics at the end of July and was absolutely taken aback to see the employees putting out Halloween decor. It truly struck me to the core. "I'm not ready, NO, NO, NO!!!" I swear I won't return to any hobby, fabric, home stores for a while.

I have used the summer to improve myself and hopefully build up stores of energy, wisdom, and strength to enter the Fall and Winter seasons. I am still working out and losing weight. I am physically stronger, more fit and have more endurance and stamina than ever before in my life. Quite a feat at 43 years of age. I am addicted to the endorphins and if you don't have them in your life, I STRONGLY encourage you to go get some! Endorphins make everything better, even the bereavement of a child like Alexander. It took me a year of intermittent working out to get them but WHOA when they become a part of your life, you are truly LIVING!!

So here are some pics of ZG. I hope you enjoy them and enjoy the last month or so of summer. You will never get this moment back again, so make it worth your while.

Much love and God bless,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting, I've been wondering how you were. I ran across your blog when Zoe got a hold of the Tylenol PM, I'm sure you saved me from going through the same thing with my children. You're always in my thoughts and prayers, I'm glad to hear you are doing well. You are one of the most amazing women, definitely one of my heroes. Take care of yourself.