Saturday, October 07, 2006

Saturday, October 7th

Okay, well the last two nights have been no fun. Zoe woke at 2 AM Friday morning with a temperture of 101. She stayed home while Steve tried to work. She was pretty miserable all day and especially last night. For the first time in her life, Zoe slept in our bed all night. She would wake up just screaming at the top of her lungs. In addition to Zoe, at about 10 PM last night, Alex woke up coughing, I tried to help but to no avail. Next thing I know, he went very rigid (his right arm was straight out behind his back) and his face was somewhat frozen in a very ugly manner. He was crying then all of a sudden, his eyes closed and he was asleep in my arms. He woke up about 10 seconds later and started crying again and his arm went back to normal. Can you say FREAKED ME OUT?!! Well, I immediately called the Oncology department and told the doctor on call that Alex had had a seizure. He asked a lot of questions, most of which the answer was "no" and decided to call another oncologist to get a second opinion. In the meantime, Alex was resting peacefully and our eyes were slamming shut, so we went to bed with the phones right next to me. I'm not sure when the doc called back but it was after 11 PM. He said that it probably was not a seizure but "something else" (no, I did not ask) and that if it happened again or if Alex started shaking he would need to come to the ER for a CT scan.

Well, isn't that a lovely thought to put any parent right to sleep? Needless to say, our night was not restful. Alex woke with a temperature of 99 degrees this morning and is in a pretty crummy mood on the sofa watching his shows. Looks like he will be having a "pajama day". The fever could be related to the chemo and our directions are to call if he has a fever over 101 degrees. Alex kept waking up throughout the night coughing/choking due to his poor swallow response, but he did not have any other "episodes".

Oh dear God, this is going to be hard isn't it? I will never say, "it can't get worse" because I have learned that lesson throughout my life. I really just wanted the "feel good" phase to last a weekend at least. Oh well, the sooner we get used to this the easier it will be.

Last night I showed Alex all of the sites at Disney World. I told him to think about his wish. He seemed excited and did not want to stop at 8 PM but I told him we could do more research today.

Fall is in the air and this is my favorite season (as well as springtime). I hope everyone has a chance to stop and smell the pumpkins!!

God bless.



Anonymous said...

oh Gwen...I am so sorry you had a rough weekend. I hope this note finds you in better spirits, and that both of your little ones only had a 24 hour bug. Hugs coming your way, and the cliche that helps me at a time like this is it is always darkest before the dawn. So I hope your sunrise comes soon!!!

Anonymous said...

FYI--that kids' yoga class at Yoga Energi has not quite started yet. The teacher will start in a few weeks, and we will definitely be going, so hopefully we'll see you there. They prefer that kids are at least 3, although it is kid-dependent, and you can either drop your child off or stay with him. There is also an adult class at the same time. I'll let you know when I have more details!
-the Tunheims (Annie, Sam, Jackson, and Alex) from MAC