Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thursday, October 5th

Good afternoon. Today was the first day back to chemo since September 14th. Alex did very well, but still has a great deal of anxiety and fear associated with the butterfly bite. His play therapist offered some ideas to help. One was to practice deep breathing, relaxation in a peaceful environment. She suggested a DVD from that is Yoga for kids. I checked it out and spoke to Steve about it last night. He would rather Alex be in an actual yoga class. So if anyone knows of a yoga class for kids, please let me know. If there is not one, I think it is a fabulous idea to offer yoga for families or just kids. I know I miss my yoga days.

While we were in the infusion room today, the social worker came in and offered to submit Alex's name to the Make a Wish Foundation. She explained that Make a Wish is for any child with a chronic illness that has/will receive six months of treatment. When she asked Alex what he wanted for a wish he said a magic wand! He wants to be able to make things invisible as well as himself! Anyway, she started talking about Mickey Mouse and he became very excited. I called Steve and his immediate response was one of fear which is what I felt too. I explained the Disney trip perks and he was okay with the idea. Being at work and hearing about this probably was not the best situation for him. Anyway, I am sure there is plenty of time to talk about this. Ultimately, I want Alex to enjoy his wish and for it to be a trip he can really partake in the activities. My first thought is to wait til he is finished with all of the chemo and has his strength back. The doctor recommended that we not put it off for so long and enjoy it sooner than later. We'll just have to see.

On the self acceptance front, I am still struggling with the concept but think it resembles something like the love I have for my children. At least I am working to get there. My therapist predicated this effort by stating that it is one of the most difficult any person can take on. No wonder!! Well doesn't this just sound like a bowl full of cherries?

Well to end on a positive note, I must say that the tension in the house has decreased dramatically. I feel like the weight of the heavens has been lifted and I can breathe again. I know the road ahead is still very long and will have many obstacles and detours, but I also know we are on the right path!! This is huge! I have smiled more in the past week than in a very long, long time. I look forward to enjoying the fall colors as well as all of the wonderful blessings associated with the holidays. Life is good!

Okay, enough with the cliches and metaphors. I sincerely apologize! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and are able to enjoy your blessings.

God bless.


Anonymous said...

Yoga Energi in Cherry Creek ( has a kids' yoga class on Sunday mornings at 10am. I'd like to check it out, too, for our boys. Maybe we'll see you there!
~the Tunheim Family (Annie, Sam, Jackson, and Alex)

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Cliches I live by them. :o)

Glad to hear things are on feeling more positive, I hope it continues that way. A family yoga class sounds good, could be just what everyone in the home could use. Hope things continue in the positive direction!! Hugs to you