Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday, October 22nd

Hello everyone. Well, let's just say "no news is good news". Since the ER visit Alex has not had any fevers and his CT scan and Xray came back normal. So they say it was a viral infection. I say it is due to the fact that they dump poisons into his system every Thursday, but that is just me!

Alex did get his "super boot" (a.k.a. foot/leg brace) on Monday. He said while playing outside, "I'm getting used to this super boot". He's only wearing it a few hours a day right now, we'll gradually increase this over a few weeks. It has Spiderman on it and that is what makes it so super.

Steve left this morning on a business trip. To make sure we had some quality time before he left, we went to the Downtown Aquarium and had a very enjoyable time. It will be a hard week without him but when he returns it will be Alex's 4th birthday and party.

We are very excited about the party. We met a clown at the charity event this summer at the hospital and she's coming to the house to do a magic show and some face painting. Everyone will be in costume and it should be a wonderful time! There is a ton of work to do around the house before the party, I just hope I can get the majority of it done this week.

The only negative news is that due to our tight financial situation, I will not be able to continue going to see my therapist. As soon as we can, I will get back to her so this is just a temporary set back. I will miss having someone to talk to but I'm pretty good with just putting my head down and trudging forward! Mental health can always wait! =0)

Well, it is more like winter around here than fall but the snow has been beautiful and I like putting on layers!!! Well, I had better go, it is bath night and without Steve that could take a while. Love to you all!

God bless.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. Since I last talked to you, I have returned from Iraq and have had a very tight schedule. I am glad to hear that Alex is doing well. William constantly asks where "his cousin Alex lives". He has a U.S. map on his wall, so he knows where Denver is at!! I still have the flag that I flew all over Iraq for Alex, and a Bday present, but I lost your address. If you would email it to me, I would appreciate it. Take care, Joe.

Anonymous said...

Hi G,
Caroline Pyper here, Alex's old schoolroom assistant from MAC. I have been thinking about you all since June and have been reading all your updates. I just wanted to let you know that my prayers are with you. Please send all my love to Alex and glad to hear that his smiles are back! I miss them. We had an American-style Halloween party at the weekend and i went as a pumpkin. I hope Alex has a good Halloween.
Lots of love Ms Caroline xx

Anonymous said...

Hope you all had a good halloween. I hope things are okay. Hugs and warm thoughts coming to you across the cyber ways.