Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Tuesday, November 11th

Happy November everyone! Can you believe it? November already! I apologize for not updating the blog recently, it was a very busy couple of weeks getting ready for Alexander's 4th birthday party. The party was a smashing success, I must say! SuzeQ the Clown did a magic show with a live dove and rabbit. Then she painted all of the kids' faces wonderfully. Everyone seemed to have a good time.

As of yesterday at 5pm, I had the house back in order and was ready for some Halloween fun. We did not have as many trick-or-treaters this year as in the past, but we still ran out of candy by 7:15pm.

Everyone here is having a difficult transition off daylight savings time. Steve and I are in bed so early we have to laugh at ourselves. Then Steve gets up at an ungodly hour of the morning. I try to sleep in but I have been awake at 5am the last two days. AUGHH.

So except for some fatigue everything else is going pretty well. Alex loved seeing all of his friends at the party and has been in good spirits the last few weeks. Zoe had a fever yesterday that I attibute to the four vaccinations she received Monday. Knock on wood, we are generally in good health.

Thank you all for your support and I hope your day is a good one. Please vote this year, it seems to be an especially significant election year. God bless.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess 1 is not the loneliest number in this case :)! We had a great time celebrating Alexander's birthday with you all. I can't tell you the number of folks that you always impress with your ability to make everyone feel so welcome in your home! Your work on the kitchen was phenomenal and dexterously accessorized to boot. You are amazing! Just thought you could use to hear that a few more times. I hope Zoe feels better fast! Alexander seems to really be handling everything that has come his way with amazing bravery! Truly impressive.

Lots of love,