Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thursday, October 11th - Songs of Love

To hear/download the song or ringtone for Alexander's Song of Love go to and click on the Family and Friends Song & Ringtone Download link. Simply type "Kasnoff" in the field and the number Child's last name13489 in the Child's Record Number. They will ask for a small donation, please help us support this organization.

I hope you enjoy the song.

God Bless.


Anonymous said...

I study cancer. There is much you can do to beat it, and yes- even brain cancer. CANCER CANNOT SURVIVE IN AN ALKALINE ENVIROMENT. Test alkalinity with litmus paper and color key. Cancer has seven ingredients. Possibly essential book to read is "A-Way with Cancer- A Way Out of the Cancer Epidemic: A Guide for Serious Do-It-Yourselfers," by Dick Schuyt RPT. You can do it. I would not try to sell you false information. Let me look thru some notes. Gave the copy I had to a phys-ed teacher to teach to middle-school kids.
Cancer cells differ from normal cells by four things: 1)they do no differentiate into functional tissue cells 2) their growth is not inhibited 3) they use sugars for fuels instead of oxygen 4) they do no die at the normal time.
Avoid cow milk. Goat or human is okay. Cow milks proteins leave acidic ash in blood. Especially bad for brain tumor. very good quality fo-ti roots, the black indian schitzt (?sp?) and an herb, don't recall name, that energizes cells [oxygen].

There is a chemical that you take for one month. However, fraudulence is way to high, especially in relation to possible prices of substance. I would only recomend hiring a chemist personally, or even just asking, to make you a substance called 'cesium chloride.' Use one month only. Fairly sure that it works on 'brain' tumors, should first doublecheck. Research Doctor Hans Nieper (1928-88).
See Dr Malkmus 'Hallelujah Diet'
Establish knowledge od alkaline foods. You can not tell by taste.
Buy SLOW-TURNING juicer only.
Avoid eating over-ripe fruits.
Machines: PAPIMI MACHINE, REHATRON ALPHA (low energy states in cells synonomous to a high acidic state)
Dr. Budwigs Diet! Get on. Myself andb the dog eat it too sometimes for proventitive measures.
When I moved here about four years ago the dog had many big tumors all over body. They are now almost all gone with one of the larger ones, fading.
Search Dr Johanna Budwig.
Omega 3 fatty acids!!!!!!!!!!!
Do not exert when exercizing. Exercize though.
Ozone or O3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You need to take Trypsin, Progesterone, and Laetrile (rip apricot flesh of apricot and put in a bowl. Crack open nut/pit and mix up pulp of pit with flesh: walla!: Laetrile.
Apple Seeds.
"Cancer can therefore be reguarded as a deficiency disease."
Added Oxygen must be absorbed into cells. Hope you find that book. You should also find on the net a lot of good webpages with some... keywords.
Check out Dr Hulda Clarks Zapper, and Zappper Supreme Deluxe (?exact name of... Zapper Deluxe...?)
My name is Ryan B Lasco. I am not a doctor.


Info derived from notes in above-mentioned notes...
Pleqase respond; love, Ryan
ps take it easy and enjoy your life.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I am very sorry Ryan Lasco decide to jump in at this point in the game to try and direct you guys. You have done a wonderful job of sorting through information, considering and deciding on treatment. I don't know if he is someone you've met, but he doesn't sound like someone who knows you guys and all the careful work you've done. I think you deserve to have people who know and understand your journey writing to you on your blog. That's my two cents~!
So, how ABOUT them Rockies??! Can you spell S-W-E-E-P? I want to bring you a pumpkin. And lunch. And wine. I'm gonna call again.
Love you all,
Kathy C