Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday, November 23rd - 24 hour watch

While we were painting pottery today, Alex was holding my hand as I squeezed the writing paint so he could spell out his name on his vase. Very soon after we started the "A" Alex's hand just started going up and down, up and dooooooown, slower and slower. When I glanced at him, his eyes were glazed over and then his head jerked and you could tell he had "spaced out" for a while. Within 10 minutes he had a raging headache and we had to pack up and head home. ON the way, I figured out that Alex had had a seizure. When the hospice nurse arrived she confirmed my fears. Alex must now be under observation 24/7. We have to be aware and available to react if anything else should happen.

Alex is awake and eating like a mad man right now. It seems that the 40% increase in his Midazolam has helped his appetite. I'm completely freaked out now and so very grateful that my sister and her family are here. We all plan to take shifts this evening.

Okay, more later! Think positive, longevity-inspiring thoughts!

Love, G


Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you all and sending strength for all.

Love, Tina

Anonymous said...

I am sending good thoughts to you from Pennsylvania in the form of prayers.
Love, Kerry

Anonymous said...

How amazing you all are. To be able to experience what you do...and then write about it so we can be part of what is happening...when we cannot be there in person. Thank you for your open gracious incredible heart and gift for expressing yourself. We will continue to believe in miracles until there is one!!! How we love you all....Dianne and Paul

Anonymous said...

sending love and good thoughts from washington. i'm glad you have family and so much support around you in colorado.

Anonymous said...

Sending you love and strength from Seattle! You are in our thoughts every moment. I'm glad that your sister and family are there with you right now.
Love from Karlyn