Thursday, November 01, 2007

Thursday, November 1st - Best Mom Ever!

I hope everyone had a great Halloween. Alex took his cousin and sister trick or treating at the new hospital and got lots of candy. You should have seen ZG! She really picked up on the concept and just loved grabbing candy and putting it into her basket. At home, she would run to the door at every knock yelling "Twick or tweet, I do it, I do it myself!" Then proceeded to give out large handfuls of candy to each child. It was a fun day.

Alex had OT/PT yesterday morning and really ended up having a great time. Initially, he was upset because he did not get to sleep in but when it came time to throw the balls at my sister and me; he really perked up. We got Alex back on the Prevacid for his upset tummy. Hopefully this will help relieve his nausea or acid reflux. Last night Alex asked me for his super boot (brace). He said he wanted to stretch his legs and run around; so I got his shoes and boot on him and he stood up with his transformer and tried a couple of steps. He did not go far or stand for long but this is HUGE!!! Alex refused to walk yesterday at OT/PT and has not even looked at his transformer (walker) in over eight weeks if not more! Alex was upset when Evan left yesterday to go trick or treating with his other cousins. Alex has expressed several times that he just wants to run and play like other kids. So I think he thought about it for a while after Evan left and then decided to give a try. Steve and I were so amazed. Alex's strength, courage and perseverance is remarkable! I told Alex that we would resume his leg and arm exercises and keep working with the transformer for as long as he wants.

So, Steve and I went out Tuesday night for sushi. We really needed to reconnect as a couple and it was a very enlightening evening. One thing I learned was that Steve has been worrying about Alex's Pooh Bear for a year now. He expressed this to me and after some thought we decided to let Alex tell us what he wants. So when we got home and I put him to bed I told Alex a story about a little girl who was going on a trip but her brother would not be travelling with her. This little girl has a favorite doll and she is unable to decide whether to leave it with her brother or take it on the trip with her. I asked Alex what he thought she would do. He replied, "take it with her because boys don't play with dolls." Which makes way too much sense, so I went to story numero dos. So then the little girl was going on a trip and had a favorite tshirt. Alex asked if it had a flower on it and I said "no, it has a circle on it." So she has to decide whether to take it or leave the tshirt with her brother. Alex said "she takes it, but makes him a shirt just like it." So there you go. Out of the mind of Alex! Isn't that beautiful? I adore this kid!

Finally, I want to document something that happened earlier this week. First of all you have to understand that sleep schedules are completely off around here. So due to a long late afternoon nap, Zoe and I were up late watching a movie. It was 12:45am and I decided that we needed to go to bed. On the way though, I wanted a bite of Alex's chocolate bday cake. (This was a very yummy cake that spoke to me!) So as I was taking my little bite with ZG on my hip, she said "I want sum." So I begrudgingly shared my bite. Then I thought, well if she took some of that bite then I need another bite. Before you knew it she and I had eaten a whole piece of cake! I am the BEST MOM EVER!!!! I know I am not, but it was a fun moment in our lives and I just wanted to document it. Zoe and I went straight to sleep, in case you were wondering!

Okay, so no decision has been made on the MRI. Alex wants to have another picture of his big brain so he can see if the bump is gone!! I am even more fearful and really don't want to "be devastated again (as Steve put it)" so I just don't know. I am leaning toward not doing it right now but that could change. I still need to get information to make an informed decision with Steve.

Hope your day is a great one!

Love and hugs!
God Bless!


Anonymous said...

Great news! You all are in our thoughts and prayers morning, noon and night! Really it is early morning, mid-morning, noon, early afternoon, before dinner, dinner, early evening, before bed, in the middle of the night! as many times as that is? Tell Evan papa is going through withdrawal!!!! Love, hugs and kisses all around!!!!Paul and Dianne

Anonymous said...

That was a terrific Halloween experience--it must have been a blast to see Zoe immerse herself in the holiday fun. And a special mother/daughter experience enjoying cake in the middle of the night--what could be better??
Alex is awesome--he had a very practical, kind solution to your story. :)
Enjoy the upcoming sunny weekend!

Anonymous said...


You are. YOU ARE.

Anonymous said...

HI Gwen-
Great stories! So glad Alex is feeling strong. And that you and Zoe had a decadent mom and daughter momemt!! I`m looking forward to seing you all in 2 weeks...Any Haloween pictures?