Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday, November 19th - There he goes!

Hi everyone. Well, things are somewhat the same as the last post but fear is battling with my hope and faith causing some horrible nightmares each night. You see Alex's heart is beating at about 160 beats per minute. A normal five year old's heart beats about 80 or 90 bpm. If Alex were an adult this high heart rate would indicate only a few days left but since his heart is young and strong then all we really know is that his body is not utilizing the oxygen well and his heart is trying to compensate for the deficient. Speculation is that the tumors are causing his lung function issues and could very well be a part of the heart rate issues. We know his paralysis is worse on his right side. His right eye has pretty much stopped being able to follow a moving object and soon we will have to restore the moisture (tears) it is not producing for him. All of this is happening but Alex's smile and incredible spirit still light up our days!

On Sunday, using the ramps Steve and his friend Mark (visiting from Idaho) made on Saturday, Alex was able to leave the house of his own volition in his new power chair! You can't imagine the joy in this little boy's soul. It was absolutely tangible! His power chair came with five skins of different colors and Alex was told to put on the red skins when he wanted to go fast! So after he made it down the ramps he asked for the red skins! Then we headed out into the alley and around the block. There we found our neighbors and Alex's best friend enjoying the absolutely incredible, warm, beautiful day! We all headed out to the park a few blocks away with dogs and Frisbee in tow. Alex had a great time going fast and even asked Esther for a race on the grass! I don't know who one but who really cares! It was so weird for me not to know where Alex was at all times. I just am not used to his new mobility yet. So we played Frisbee, watched dogs run and did some cartwheels. It was a glorious time! Alex's stomach then started bothering him and he wanted some O2; so we headed home. Alex was not even willing to drive the power chair on the trip home. The rest of the afternoon was spent comforting him and doing anything we could to help him feel better. Alex had to take a bath after his nap at which time we noticed his Broviac line (which he vehemently wants out of his heart) had been pulled out of his body a few centimeters. Luckily, Alex's hospice nurse said it is still okay but I must say all of my nightmares last night revolved around this situation.

So, we are just a few days away from Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for and so much gratitude for it all. I just wish this nagging little voice in my head would stop saying, "this is Alex's last Thanksgiving, will he make it to Christmas?" I've tried to ignore this voice but it is relentless! Then I realize that all I really have is this moment and it really helps me get to the next moment. So here we are again, just striving and thriving from moment to moment.

Okay, I'm exhausted writing all of this inner turmoil stuff. I really just want to focus on the holiday and the fact that my sister's family will be here very soon. I hope each and every one of you know how grateful we are to know you are out there; praying and hoping and crying with us. We love you and wish you a wonderful holiday filled with family, friends, laughter and joy!

God bless!


Anonymous said...

Alex's chair is so cool! We miss you bunches, but have been home with colds for the last few weeks. Yes weeks, just a drop in the bucket but back to back. It is hard to say when one cold ends and another begins. Gregg has been well so far (knock on wood). I am very thankful for each moment more you get to love and hold Alex. Try not to fight too hard against your dreams. Save your fight for when you are awake and can take action.
I am still sending you, Alex, Steven and Zoe my strength and love.


Anonymous said...

It's scientifically proven that red ones go faster.

Your in our thoughts this Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and very special wishes to Alex on Thanksgiving. We hope to see you very soon.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day to be outside--I'm so glad Alex enjoyed his mobility, the sunshine, his friend, the dogs; everything.
I know it is hard to quiet the voices in our heads, but you do such a good job of being in the moment and enjoying Alex. You all are in our thoughts this Thanksgiving--and enjoy the snow tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Red does go least my husband likes to think so. :o)

Your family are in my daily thoughts and I will be thinking of you a lot over thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy your turkey day with your family.

Hugs from a stranger.

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to one and all: Gwen, Steve, Zoe and that "Speedy Red Streak" (Alex)!

Anonymous said...

I just need to post letting you know I read your updates a lot and your family is such a Power of Example. You realy sum up the meaning of gratitude to me, which is something so many of us can forget as our daily lives go on. You have such an incredible inner strength that just shines in your postings! God obviously blessed your family with Alex knowing what a great life you could share with him.

You are in a strangers thoughts and prayers everyday....

Anonymous said...

Always sending you all much love through the ether.

Anonymous said...

Alex,Gwen,Steve,and Zoe,
Have a beautiful Thanksgiving and know that I think and pray for you each day. My mother sends her love and prayers as well. I'm so glad Steph and her brood are going to spend the holidays with you! Such a special time for family.All my love. Kerry Roberts (Boyd)

Anonymous said...

Go, Alex, with the red racer! It is such a blessing that he can have his mobility and some control back in his life right now, even if it's for short moments each day.

I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving! Hold on to the blessings that you feel every moment, and hold on to each other.


Anonymous said...

You make me stop and think! To be grateful for the little things that I tend to take for granted. I am sending hugs and kisses with Evan and family. KNOW that you all are in our prayers and thoughts. We are still standing!! Wish we were going to be there to break a wish bone with you!
Cool RED RACER, Do you think it would hold 400#? Would Alex double up with me? Now that would be a sight. Love, Paul HAPPY, HAPPY THANKAGIVING!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your honesty! Thank you for always sharing what is on your heart in these blogs.
Alex's red racer is perfect and his picture brought a can tell he loves the freedom it gives him. You all are and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers every day!
I know your Thanksgiving will be blessed!

J Wolf said...

Hi Gwendolyn,
I just wanted to let you know how reading about Alex has affected our week in my family. I have hugged my sons a little tighter and a little longer, I have taken time to marvel over lego creations, we have taken the time to make cookies, taken the time to play hide and seek, laughed at bubble beards in the tub, we made a book, we went to Clare Gardens, my husband is upstairs coloring with our 5 year old right now. The pace in our house was cut down to about 1/2 as I let the laundry pile up and enjoyed my kids for the treasures they are. Thank Alex for making this our best Thanksgiving week of our lives. God Bless you all!

Anonymous said...

We hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! I thought of you all a lot yesterday and how I am so thankful to know each of you. The strength, love and giving spirit of your entire family is an inspiration and has changed my outlook on... well... everything! So thank you. I hope the wonderful things you give to others come back to you ten-fold.
L, Chantell and family