Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday, November 23rd - The day after!!

Wow! What great comments! Thank you for your notes. I absolutely love to hear how our situation helps others stop and take the time to appreciate the gifts in their lives. Alex is such an inspiration to so many people. AS he (and every child) should be!

Thanksgiving brought us a house full of family and friends; much laughter; some great food and the time to just be! Alex had a pretty good day yesterday. He always perks up so much when his cousin(s) are around! We spent so much of the day in the kitchens (had to use the downstair's one too) that once I was able to just sit and snuggle with Alex I felt so blessed. At one point, when Alex was not doing so well, the horrible thought that this may be his last Thanksgiving grabbed hold of me and I began to cry. I was immediately hugged and reminded that he is here now and given a glass of wine. I love my family and friends!

Yesterday we were not able to be around all of our loved ones, some due to distance others due to the passing of life; but via modern telecommunications and fond memories brought about by old recipes being resurrected we felt the love and warmth of so many souls. It was a glorious day!

So today we hope to go paint some pottery. Tomorrow, visit the new Modern Art Museum our neighbor just "gave birth to" (as Steve puts it) then go watch some bedlam football at a local alumni watch party in Lodo. My sister's family will head home on Sunday but I don't want to think about that now.

Okay, I really just wanted to thank those who posted some incredible comments. I hope each of you have a wonderful holiday!

God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gwen, Steph and family,
I woke up thinking about you this morning and was so glad to read yesterday went great.
I believe the purest and strongest souls on Earth are sent here in the form of children such as Alex. They are teachers and healers and gifts to all who come in contact with them, even if it is just through a blog. Thank you for sharing the gift that is Alex with us Gwen. I know I am a better soul for it.
Kerry Roberts (Boyd)
P.S. I can't wait to see you again Steph!!