Monday, August 06, 2007

Monday August 6th-Wonderful Weekend!!

Good Morning All! Alex's eye exam went well even though his vision has deteriorated since last October. That may sound strange but the doc assured us that nothing new is causing these symptoms. He wants to see Alex in 30 days to track this situation though. I was so relieved to hear that his optic nerve was fine! I immediately felt my shoulders relax.

STeve made it home early Saturday morning and somehow made it to the Pancake Breakfast with a smile on his face. The event was a great success! It was so great to see everyone- new and old friends! Everyone had a great time and Alex went to the face painter's tent three times! Until last night Alex still had spider makeup on his face!! I want to thank Sara and her team for doing such a great job! It really was fun!!

So a new week starts this week. Alex is having headaches; loss of appetite (He told us Friday "Mom I think I have two appetites left!"); drool; and some dizziness but not too much. So overall-in the grand scheme of things-knowing it can ALWAYS be worse- Alex is doing pretty well coming off the steroids. Today we begin the wean from the cortisone. Fingers crossed!

In case you were wondering my comma key is broken so my punctuation is off in this post!! It is driving me mad!!

Oh well how grand it is to be mad a keyboard today! Have a great day! God Bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a good weekend, and the pancake breakfast went well. Sorry I was unable to attend, life just got in the way over here, but you were in my htoughts all weekend.

hugs from a stranger.