Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tuesday, August 28th

Are you ready for some GREAT news? Alex is at school this morning!!!!! He is back at his old Montessori school just on Tuesdays and Thursdays and just in the AM. I had been talking to the director about figuring something out for Alex, but this was all his (and Grace's) idea! After picking up ZG yesterday, he asked me "Mom, can I go to school tomorrow?" This was after spending 20 minutes or so with Ms. Grace in the car while I went in the school to get Zoe. Grace fessed up this morning that she may have planted the idea in his head by telling him how excited she was to have him back at the school. Anyway, a few phone calls later and it was a done deal! I feel like I did on that very first day of school, when Alex was only four months old. I am so happy for him. I will be going back to do "circle time" with Alex and his old classmates in a few minutes. I am sure some of the children will have some great questions to ask!

So we had a great weekend too. Friday night was spent with lots of the neighbors, laughing, drinking wine and eating pizza! I did something I have never done before! I fell asleep putting the kids to bed at 8pm. Turned out to be a good thing since Alex was up at 5am and Steven had taken a Tylenol PM at bedtime. Saturday started off with an unexpected visit from my boss and his lovely wife. That was a great surprise! Steve and Alex made a trip to the hardware store, where they went "fast" in the flat cart! Then Alex's friend, Lucas came over for a surprise visit in the evening. Sunday we had brunch with some good friends with kids the same age as A and Z; then did a spontaneous drive to the mountains. We ended up on the "highest road in America" which Alex loved and has asked to do again this coming weekend.

Most importantly, Alex has been able to pee every day since leaving the hospital and his doc said he looks great! So one may ask how we are doing with all of this. I am not ready to accept anything at this time. I am in full AVOIDANCE mode, so please don't force a conversation about prognosis on me! I won't do it! I can't even talk to my family yet. Steve had a huge Freudian slip on our drive. We were discussing the play area and decided to go ahead with our plans. I want to have everyone over to make individual, custom stepping stones for the play area. Steve was saying something about that area and out came "like a memorial". He immediately apologized, we laughed then cried then composed ourselves and enjoyed the view. That was so painful it hurt physically.

Okay, well let's go back to the best news to date; Alex is in school!!! Hooray! I want to thank Lisa, Grace and Ms. Alicia for making this happen. It is so huge!!

God bless,


Anonymous said...

Oh Gwen, I am absolutely thrilled for you that Alex is back in school! It will be great for Alex to have that regular interaction, stimulation, and normalcy. This really made my day--I look forward to seeing him around school!

Anonymous said...

What fantastic news for Alex and all of you! I'm sure he's so excited to be back at MAC. Your weekend shows that you and Steve are doing a great job of just being in the moment, which is great! - Karlyn

Anonymous said...

What absolutely fabulous news! I can't imagine a more natural place for such a bright, wide-eyed little boy - You go, Alex!

Anonymous said...


I am so happy for all of you with your school situation. Alex is where he wants to be..and you must be so realized to take that worry off you plate.

So glad to hear this worked out.


Anonymous said...

Now the tears are happy. But they are still tears. I continue to feel (some modicum of) your pain and think happy, healing thoughts for you all.


Anonymous said...

Gwen, as I've said before I'd love to help with the garden. Now that the kids are at school perhaps we can carve out some time to get things kicked off. I am good with the dirty work. Yea for both you and Alex about school! That is awesome news.