Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuesday, August 21st

After a sleepless night, Alex is being admitted to the hospital. I have been concerned about dehydration for several days now, but since he peed yesterday I figured all was okay. But this am he said his side hurt and he could not pee. So after being catheterized to relieve his bladder and getting 240 cc of concentrated urine, the docs are afraid Alex may have some nerve damage that keeps him from peeing by himself. We also fear a kidney infection.

I have been told that he will be in the hospital for at least two nights. He has to have a urology consult, a rehab consult and kidney imaging and some other stuff that I have forgotten now. But none of it sounds fun. They said Alex may never be able to relieve himself and that I may have to learn to catheterize him myself. That is just not right! When will the friggin' good news start! When will this turn around! I want Alex BETTER!!!! not worse!

ARGHHHHH! This is definitely not going to help my cortisone and insulin levels!!!

Wish us luck! God bless!


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that Alex has been admitted. Is Steve still out of town? I hope that you get some better news after they do the tests. You all need a break now! I will keep my positive thoughts going your way.
Hugs to all from Seattle Vasans

Anonymous said...

Oh Gwen! I hate this too! Alex needs to be better. You and Steve need him to be better too! This kidney stuff is too much! Especially after what you've been through lately! I am still here to help in whatever way possible. I think we all can share your ANGER at the Bump. I am still holding positive thoughts for Alex! It is so dichotomous to hold both the anger and hope/postive thoughts together at the same time. Could this lead to split personalities?
IF so I am sure one of you (Gwen 1 or Gwen 2 knows the answer)Ha!

I love you guys so much. I wish I could divine a way out of this knarly jungle of shit!


Anonymous said...

Sincere wishes for good news and Alex's comfort are heading your way. Please don't hesitate to call if you need someone to take Zoe in the afternoon so you can stay with Alex.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that Alex, you, Steve, and Zoe are constantly in my thoughts. I am confident there will be an end to this and Alex will start getting better soon. You are a wonderful mother and all things considered are doing really well with this. I wish I was around to help, but know you have my support from seattle. i am sending you as much positive, healing energy as I can.