Thursday, November 08, 2007

Thursday, November 8th - Sad day

Good Morning. Yesterday was a very sad day in our home. Alex is doing well, but Steve's employer shut down the 25 million dollar project he has been working on for about a year and a half. Several of Steve's friends and colleagues have been laid off. Steve was one of the lucky ones who had his position redeployed. While we are relieved to have our family's income still coming in; we are very distraught for the others that were not so fortunate. Steve and I have been through a few bouts of unemployment and it is never an easy feat to overcome. My prayer today is that everyone that was laid off yesterday find their new place in the world in a timely manner and with as little hardship as possible. Please know that our thoughts are with you.

So Alex is having a very hard time lately with his swallow and nausea. It's so hard to watch him struggle to eat and drink and even harder to watch his nausea. When Alex is sick he needs to be suctioned and he struggles to breathe. It 's probably the worst part of our days. Of course it could be worse and we know that. Generally, Alex is in fine spirits and is enjoying his days. That is the most important aspect of all of this.

Yesterday, Linda and I did some Christmas shopping. It was very hard for me. No one knows what the future holds but my anxiety about planning for anything is very high at this point. The Starlight Foundation called yesterday and wants Alex to join them and United Airlines for a Fantasy Sleigh ride to the North Pole on December 8th. They require that the child be able to be away from his/her parents during the whole event which Alex can not be for obvious reasons. So the coordinator is going to try to get me on the sleigh ride so Alex can go. When I told Linda about the event she said, "well we just have to make it one month!" There is alot wrong with that statement and it really struck me that we can not take even one month, one day or one moment for granted. I thought I knew this but it is astounding how poignant the realization can be sometimes.

So make it a great morning, afternoon, dinner and bedtime today! Thank you all for caring about our family.

God bless!


Anonymous said...

Always caring about you and your family, and thanks for the update.
Also always praying for Alex's comfort and health.

Anonymous said...

You are always in my thoughts. Watching the Steadmans made me realize that every second matters. Your journey has reinforced this to me. I am sorry you have had to travel this path, but thank you for letting this stranger travel it with you. I continue to send hope to your family.

Hugs from a stranger,

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your kind thoughts for the few of us who were not so lucky in the past couple of days. I believe I speak for the entire crew when I say that we would gladly face where we are now in exchange for were you have been for the past year. I have followed your blog and can't describe the admiration that I have for you and Steve. I was hoping to squeeze one more trip to Denver before the layoffs in order to take Steve out for a beer and try to give him a distraction if only for a few minutes. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope Starlight finds a way to include you on the sleigh ride. That would be an incredible time. I love a good sleigh ride or hay ride or anything where I can be pulled around and just enjoy the moment. I will continue to be in touch with Steve. He is one of the people that I have enjoyed meeting and working with at McKesson. I also feel as if I have met you and hope to meet you face to face one day. Again, both you and Steve are incredible people. If I ever find myself in such an incredibly difficult position, I hope to have the same stength, courage, and dignity that you have. I also hope I have the strength, courage, and dignity to share it with the world that you have. My prayers are with you.
