Friday, August 11, 2006

Friday, August 11th

Okay, just a quickie to let everyone know all is well. The second mammogram did not show any abnormalities. They showed me a spot on my right breast that caused them concern. For a minute or two, I did experience some real fear but I was able to pull myself out of it. Whew!

Also, to let everyone know, Alex has slept in his bed for the last two nights without any night terrors. This is a true miracle and we are so very grateful. Steve and I think that by allowing him to come to our bed whenever he needed to gave him some rest (for one thing) and a strong sense of security. I can't tell you what a blessing it was to wake up this morning almost refreshed!

Tonight Steve and I are going out with our friends for sushi. Joy will stay with the kids and we are ready for a night off. This has been a hard week for us and next week does not look much better. Alex's 2nd MRI is scheduled for Wednesday and I really don't know how to prepare him for it. I'm hoping Steve will be able to come with us this time to offer his support.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. God bless!



Anonymous said...


I just want to let you know that you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers. I am always checking in with you here. I too, had to go in for a second mammogram, as there were things of concern; however, as with you, all is well for me too. I am so sorry you had to go through this on top of everything else..A little good news to share is that I am now a "Grandma" believe it or not! Chelci had a baby girl on 7/26 (8 lbs, 10 oz). Her name is Cali Lynn. Children are definitely gifts from God! I hope some day, I can meet your two little angels! Even though they don't know me, give them both a big hug and kiss for me! You and Steve are excellent parents! What a long way we have come since high school! I love and miss you! Tracie

Anonymous said...

Dear Gwen,
I just caught up on your blog. I have been with Greggs parents in Napa. I just want you to know as soon as I get back and into a regular routine (probably the 1st week of September), that I can take Zoe while Alex is at chemo. You are right that is not a place she should have to be; likewise Alex needs all of your attention and focus during his sessions. I’m glad your mammogram turned out ok! I’m sorry Alex has to have another MRI. I think you are doing the most AWSOME JOB! You must truly have the best employer in the world to offer you such flexibility, Zoe will cherish the time she gets to spend with you, and perhaps she can lift Alex’s spirits by lightening the atmosphere. I’ll keep hoping for all the BEST for everyone!!! Keep up the good job of exploring every kind of food possible, nothing is out of bounds! Just follow your “mom” instincts.

All our love, Tina, Gregg, Samantha and Aidan