Saturday, August 05, 2006

Saturday, August 5th

What a difference a poop makes!!! I never thought a BM could bring such joy. Finally after 5 day of laxatives and stool softeners, nature had its way. Alex was so pleased. He's a completely different kid now. He's not nearly as tired and a lot more fun to be around. I guess we'll have to keep up the medicines to prevent this from happening again.

Besides that the only new thing is that we are researching counselors for Alex. Steve and I truly believe his restless nights are due to the trauma of surgery and everything else that has happened since. Our pediatrician recommends that the therapist be located outside of the hospital and we agree. I have a few names and will hopefully get Alex an appointment soon. In the meantime, we have just let Alex sleep with us. He still has a few night terrors in our bed but at least there is more sleep for Steve and me.

Ok, well laundry beckons! God Bless.


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