Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tuesday, August 8th

Okay, I did it! I'm a lousy mom! I broke down and bought JUNK FOOD!! All kinds of junk food too! Chips, cookies, brownies, muffins, anything with SpongeBob on it made it in the cart! I completely freaked out yesterday morning when Alex did not eat his waffles. Not one bite! I noticed during his bath Sunday that his ribs were showing and his legs and feet look so much smaller than they used to. Despite my size, I have always been proud that we don't keep junk food in the house. I buy pita chips for crunch and bake cookies every once in a while (there have been quite a few "whiles" lately though). The kids don't drink juice, just milk and water. Alex now gets a root beer a day though. I don't really know if this is a good strategy, but when I tell the doctors he's losing weight, they say "give him anything he wants". That just makes me cringe, because Alex wants McDonald's Happy Meals every day. Not for the food but for the prize inside. The fries are just a bonus! He never eats the burger but Zoe can woof one down PDQ!!

Along with all of this junk food I bought a lot of fruit. Everything looked so good! Pink lady apples were in and if you have not tried one you gotta get one and you'll love it, I promise. I bought grapes, plums, peaches, bananas, apples, and pluots. Alex used to devour pluots. My plan is to offer the junk food after he's eaten his "rainbow" foods. It worked last night so we'll see. I have just got to get this kid to eat.

Besides not eating, Alex is very cranky these days. Go figure! He sleeps well when he's in our bed with us. I'm more rested but could always take a nap. Zoe is incredible. She just loves to walk and talk and talk and scream! She and I are really getting to know one another more since we are able to spend more time together. She has an incredible sense of humor. Alex does too and she can often bring him out of a funk with a good "phwattt".

Well that's about it. Life marches on and so do we. Hope you all are well. Take care and God bless.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your not a bad mom. You are doing the best you can with the tools you have been given. It is not going to do any harm to give him junk food to get him to eat. At least he is getting some nutrition. You are doing a great job, and keep your chin up.
