Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday January 5th

First of all I want to thank everyone who has posted a comment lately. I was beginning to feel like I was doing this all for naught. Anyway, your comments help me and Steve so much. It is like opening a beautiful gift when I see a comment in my "In" box. So please know, especially since I can not respond to the comments individually (unless I have your email address), that I/we are very appreciative of every kind word.

So we got yet another snow storm last night and throughout today. That makes three in as many weeks. I know a lot of people are sick of the snow, but I am reveling in it. I love the snow when it falls, when it glistens in the moonlight and when it crunches under my feet. My only wish is that Alex could enjoy the snow. He is so sensitive to the cold and unsteady on his feet anyway that he won't even go outside unless it is absolutely necessary and then only very reluctantly. I have talked to him and shown him the snow as it falls. He likes to look at it and loves to see the snow covered mountains but we all will just have to wait to build that snowman together.Zoe on the other hand will walk out in the snow barefoot. She absolutely has no fear and loves to experience different textures under her feet.

Today, I had a very hard time waking up, my body felt like it was filled with lead and my stomach was very queasy. I got Zoe to her play date and made it into the office by 8:30 AM. I had to take one of Alex's Zofrans to help with my nausea though. At work I learned that one of my coworkers grandson has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and was scheduled for surgery today. I knew he was going in for the MRI last week and spoke to his mother that morning, but had not heard back from her, even after leaving a message. So my worst fears were confirmed today. My heart sank when told the news and my stomach felt even more upset. This just should not happen to children. How is that I know three children with brain tumors? What is going on? When will it stop?

I have not called my coworker or the mother yet. I want to give them space and time to cope with the "new normal". They both know that I am here and available if needed so I won't be calling to put them through the telling of the tale again. I know it is just so hard every single time.

So I picked up Zoe and came home to Steve and Alex. I immediately laid down and covered up with a blanket on the couch. I did not get up off the couch until I had finished most of Steve's special hot toddy late this afternoon. After that, I had some energy and it finally got the chill out of my bones. We had homemade soup for dinner and I can't drink enough water. I feel better but the absolutely best part of my day has been sharing in Zoe's great mood. She has been so so very happy today. She is talking alot (no, I can't understand everything), screeching with joy and walking around with such determination in her step. She and Alex were watching a DVD and she was sitting there laughing, throwing her head back, slapping her knee then laughing some more. She has been like that all day. Just as sweet and cute and fun as any child could be. I have no idea what has made today different but I did notice that she and Alex really were loving having Mom and Dad around during the holiday break. They both seemed so much more content and joyful (of course all of the gifts, had nothing to do with that). Anyway, it is hard to stay miserable when that joyous energy is in your house. I feel much better now.

My sister's family is coming down the mountain tomorrow to spend the night with us before heading home. We can't wait to have them here. Alex is very excited to have his cousin here. They interact so well together now. Stephanie and I are going to have pedicures tomorrow downtown to continue a sisterly tradition we have. I'm sure we will stop in some swanky place and have a glass of champagne too (gotta love those traditions)! We don't have plans for tomorrow night and that is fine with me. I would be content just hanging out here at the house. There really is nothing I like more than to entertain friends and family and share our home, food and wine.

Okay, well Alex wanted to go to bed ten minutes ago, so I better get. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Kiss and hug a loved one for me and get a hug and kiss for yourself!

God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Years to your family. Glad to hear that Christmas was great. We miss seeing you guys and I know that Katharine would love a play date soon...Thanks for the updates. We pray for your family and look forward to the new postings. It is great to see that the tumor is smaller and Alex stronger. Cheers and Hugs, Jo-Nell John Katharine and Nicholas