Saturday, January 13, 2007

Saturday, January 13th

Hi Everyone. Well it is COLD!! My sister has an inch of ice on her streets but we did not get ice (so far) just very cold, cold weather. The sun is shining and it is very deceptive. We went out last night for dinner and Alex was pretty miserable in the cold on the way back to the car. I did not send him to school Friday just because I knew the cold would affect him severely. If you recall, every one of his five senses (except smell) has been affected by this brainstem tumor. He is quite sensitive to touch and temperature. We are working around this, but I am getting a bit of cabin fever and really want to get out of the house.

I think Zoe must have drank some bad milk last night at dinner. She was sick throughout the night but seems just fine now and never had a fever. Poor baby. She is resting again now and on her third set of bedsheets. So far everything she has eaten has stayed down. Let's pray for her wellness!

Well chemo went well and as planned on Thursday. Alex does not have to make up the missed chemo session from last week so that is a huge bonus! He is starting to get used to the process but still exhibits alot of anxiety over that darn butterfly bite into his mediport.

I want to thank everyone for the wonderful comments. It is nice to read them over and over again. Scott, please contact us so I can tell you the dates of the Disney trip. If you don't know how just leave your email in a comment and I'll get in touch. My sister's family is trying to get to Orlando with us and so is my sister-in-law's. I can't wait. All of the feedback says this is a wonderful vacation for everyone.

Well, I still want a puppy/dog but Steve has put his foot down. I just wish this urge would go away. I think about Sheba everyday and as of Friday she was still up for rescue. Well, I believe what my grandmother used to say. "You are exactly where you need to be". So I'll just work on accepting and loving life as it is now.

I hope everyone out there is warm and comfy. I sent Steve out snowshoeing with our friend, Nadine. He really needs to get some mountain air and recreation. He works so hard and I worry about his health. He really looked puny this week and I am happy he is out right now.

God bless and take care!

Love, G.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gwen, I know how you feel about the dog situation. I am still coping with the loss of our dog to cancer in November, and I've been scouring petfinder since Christmas to find a new family member to love. Sam is on board with getting a new dog--but our preferences about exactly which dog to get, and the timeline of getting one, differ. I fell madly in love with one dog, who was subsequently adopted to another family before Sam could make a decision. I see why you like Sheba--she's beautiful! Dogs are fantastic companions, but also a ton of work. I like your grandmother's quote, and I will try to concentrate on and enjoy where I'm at in my life, too.
~Annie Tunheim