Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thursday January 4th

Well, we went to the hospital today for chemo but did not get it. Alex's blood/ox levels were low again and he has a bad cough. So they did a chest X-ray and it showed that the lower wedge of his right lung is collapsed. He is coughing so much in an attempt to reopen it. So they gave Alex a deep breathing exerciser and sent us home.

Last night was a very difficult one for Alex. He would wake up choking (as usual), then cough violently then get these horrible intense hiccups (caused by tumor on the brainstem). So I am hopeful that we can get him some relief soon.

He asked why he had to blow into the machine. "To get no chemo?" I told him no, that he has to use the machine to help his sick lung get more air and to make his coughs better. Otherwise he would have to go stay in the hospital. I think that motivated him since he asked for the machine and practiced on it for about 7 minutes in the car.

On another topic, I had a dream that we had decided to get Alex a dog. Currently we have Steve's SuperElderly Sage who is 144 people years old! And my dowry cat, Mena who is 8 years old. Steve had said that when Sage passes he would want to get a dog. Ever since I had this dream, it has stuck with me and I keep weighing the pros and cons. Good for Alex, family, activity, companionship, good for dog since we would get a rescue dog; but bad for more responsibility, more money and poor Sage probably could not handle it! So we'll see. Right now I have my eyes on a 8 month old boxer mix in Wyoming named Sheba!! I'll try to attach her picture. I'm sure Steve will love that!!!

Okay, well the plan is for Alex to do his deep breathing three times daily until next week and call Oncology if he gets a fever or something else occurs. So just another bump in the road. Hardly felt this one! =0)

God bless! G


Anonymous said...


Just a note to say that we're thinking about you guys. I'm really happy to see you blogging so much of Alex's story and hope that it helps you.

All our love to you and kids.

Anonymous said...

Dear Gwen, I too am glad to see you return to doing more blogging! I have missed you over the last month. Holidays can be sooo busy! I too am keeping a positive attitude and daily appreciating all the "simple" good things in our daily life! You have really been an inspiration to changing my outlook on life. My new motto is "Life is too precious to waste it whining." Even a simple cold that would have sent me complaining doesn't hold a candle to the challenges you, Steven and Alex face together!
I want to thank you for helping me learn that life is better when you don't sweat the small stuff.

Anonymous said...

We pray that this is a year of victory...that all change is good...that faith prevails even in places that doctors cannot go.

We love you all so much...pray for each of you every day...and are expecting the very best.

Starting with Alex...and moving on to parents...and even little Zoe...YOU ARE ALL OUR HEROS. YOU HAVE GIVEN SO MUCH...FACED SUCH GIANTS...AND KEEP SPEAKING ENCOURAGING WORDS!!! We are so proud of you all!!!

Love now and always....Dianne and Paul

Anonymous said...

I hope that he recovers from his currently cold/hurdle quickly. Here's sending you good mojo to get good nights sleep and for little man Alex to get better.

Shantell Gutierrez

Anonymous said...

A dog?? Although it is a lot of work and adds expenses...s/he could be a wonderful companion to the family and Alex. There is nothing like just sitting nad petting your dog.

If you do decide to go that route... we can help out with some walks or watching the dog when needed. Esther has been inquiring about when we are going to get a dog. If she sees that Alexander has one..we might have to speed up that timetable!!! Hope you are all feeling better. Enjoy your relatives this weekend.

Much Much Love,
Crissy, Ben, Eshter and Wylie