Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wednesday, March 28th

Okay, it's official. I am having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day!! I can't actually explain which issue could be causing this. Could it be the unbearable stress over tomorrow's consult with Alex's doctors; or could it be that everywhere I look there is housework that needs to be done or a project that needs to be completed; or perhaps it could be that I still feel sick and just want to sleep. Oh, I know, it's financial worries caused by corporate red tape and more red tape. Or maybe, just maybe it's that time of month! Wow, which to choose, what to think about, what do I do!!!!

I can't cry because the kids are up. I can't scream because it would scare the kids. I can't take action because physically I just don't feel like it. And I can't shop because there just aren't the funds in the account. AUGHHHH!!

I thought this would be a release but it's not. Is it too early to start drinking? It's noon somewhere right?

God bless,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a bubble bath, a big glass of wine, and a good cry would hit the spot (at least, that's what works for me). I am husbandless and childless for the next few days, and I would be more than glad to come pick up your kids and take them to my house for a few hours if that would be a help at all. Let me know--I know it is hard to keep it together sometimes, even though we try for our kids' sake.
~Annie Tunheim