Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday, July 30th-Hard Weekend

Good Morning, though I don't feel that way. Alex had some vision issues over the weekend, dizziness, blurriness, double and was put back on a small dose of decadron. AUGHHH! And he has to spend the day at the clinic under observation. AUGHHH! Needless to say STeve and I are just beat down at this point. So exhausted, beyond physical.

Okay, pray please.



Anonymous said...

Hi G.,
We are reading this from Napa. I will pray for Alex and for your abilities to keep up the strength you need to face the challenges on this new road.
All our love and strength!
Tina, Gregg, Samantha & Aidan

Anonymous said...

You are in my thoughts. I hope this find you having a better day today.