Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday, July 25th - No MRI

Hi, well I spoke to Dr. F today, just by chance since I was calling his nurse to find out the time of Monday's MRI. He had not heard about Alex's weekend so I gave him the update and told him we did not want another MRI but if he said it would be necessary we'd go ahead. He said that it was NOT necessary and that he would cancel it!!! YEAH, HOORAY, YEAH, HOORAY!!!

So that is great news around here. Alex was having alot of anxiety about the MRI. Unfortunately, I can't say that life is easy right now. Alex told me yesterday that he was mad that his drool was back. In addition, he has had some horrible choking episodes this week and we are all on alert whenever he eats. Today he was napping in the car and woke up choking. I thought I was going to have to stop the car to help him. We had to tell Alex to make lots of noise by banging on the dining table if he chokes and we are not right there. AUGHHHH!!! What a F'd up conversation to have with your kid!

So today we made it to Alex's play therapy appointment. She brought out a long piece of paper divided into three sections and asked if Mom could help with this project. Alex agreed then she told us we were going to list (write or draw) what life was like "before the bump", "with the bump" and "after the bump". I almost started crying right there. Alex absolutely would not discuss life before the bump. I think it was just too painful to remember how it "used to be". He finally started participating when we added "pasta and pancakes" to the current column.

Here are some of the list items:

Playground (with friends)
Baby Zoe
Yin Yang (dog that went to the farm)
Mom at work more
Dad at home then work (started new job)
Running and playing (with friends)
Local amusement park
Smiles (on Alex's face) =-)
Real baths
Baseball (Alex was a great batter)

Fighting the bump:
Not so many smiles =-/
Pasta and Pancakes
Two Year Old Zoe (picture shows Z taking puzzle pieces off table and onto floor!)
Mom home
Broviac Line
Transformer (walker)
Super Boot

After the bump:
Playground with friends
Camping in mountains with the sun, moon and rivers
No Pills
No hospital
No Transformer
Outside more
Travel (to see cousins)
Lots of smiles =-)
Walking and playing with Zoe
Riding the airplane ride at the amusement park

By the end of the session he was actually excited about taking the poster home and adding more things to the "after" column. It is now hanging in the hall.

Okay, well we will see Dr. F. tomorrow. Pray that all goes well. I have to say that Alex is not asking for as much pain meds since the last visit. Also pray that his symptoms go away and that he actually starts getting better like they promised!!!

We really need a break here.

God bless!


Anonymous said...

I am focusing my thoughts on Alex's symptoms diminishing, especially the choking. I think it is good for Alex to focus his sights on life "after the bump" to help him with frustration with his current limitations--everyone benefits from seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Here's hoping that Alex's light comes very soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gwen,

It sounds like a hard week...but we are so glad to hear that Alex isn't going to have another MRI in the near future. Tell him we miss him and are thinking about you all while in Oregon.

Hugs from us all,
Crissy, Esther, and Wylie