Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday, August 17th

Well there was a visit to the ER yesterday but it was not for Alex. I had to go. I had been dizzy since the night prior, woke up with body aches all over, and by 10:30 was short of breath and scared to death of passing out. I called my neighbor who came over and we made arrangements to get me to the ER. There, they tested my heart, blood, urine, blood pressure, blah blah blah and by 5:15p I was sent home with the diagnosis that I am a stress case and need to have a stress test asap. I got a good night's rest but soaked my pillow with sweat. I really don't know what is going on; but I do know that in the last week to ten days, I have not been myself. I have been short with the kids, unable to sleep, unwilling to eat, and just plain weary. I have described it as "my inner strength has vanished". That well, that we all dip into has run dry! I really wanted the docs to focus on the low progesterone diagnosis of a few weeks back but they were more concerned with the recent chest pains. So we'll see. I'm looking into yoga and Steve and I will be having the "should we get rid of Roxie" talk very soon.

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary. It has been 50 years! Oh, I mean six years that feel like 50! Our good friends are taking the kids for the night and Steve and I hope to have dinner, drink(s) and then sleep ALL NIGHT! "Sleep" is the sexiest word I know right now! I can't wait!

I really want to say "thank you" to all of the incredible people who dropped everything to take care of me and the kids. I can't think of words to express how very grateful I am to each of you for EVERYTHING you did yesterday. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Well, "Daddy comes home today!!" and we are all ecstatic! We have plans to pick him up this afternoon, take a family nap, go out for dinner and then go to a local fireworks show (maybe).

Lastly, since this is titled "Alexander's Blog", I want everyone to know that he is doing pretty well. He has started walking,with his transformer, without any "back up" from me or Steve. Today, he even got up onto the couch all by himself. His favorite thing now is answering the phone, so give him a call! He loves to talk on the phone! He has had some weird "pains" throughout his digestive track, head, neck, and face but the docs say it is just the steroids or the bumps causing them. Alex also had his first speech therapy appointment yesterday and was most impressive with the therapist and the department director who came in to do the assessment. He really just loves meeting new people and doing new things!

Okay, that's about it. Steve travels again next week and I have no idea how to cope with that but have decided to take my own advice and just do it "one day at a time". Lord help me, give me strength!

God bless!


Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, what a day for you! Take care of yourself! Of course you are stressed - no surprise. Don't be hard on yourself. You have had one hell of a year and more. Happy Anniversary! Get a good night's sleep! Love from Karlyn

Anonymous said...

I'd say you have a pretty deep well, Gwen. It will be good for you to be forced to spend some time taking care of you, because moms usually don't do that without some forcing.
I'm glad that Alex is regaining some mobility--I'm sure that makes him feel great, too!
Happy Anniversary, and get some good rest!