Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday, Sept. 15th- Scariest Moment of Life

Alex seemed to be doing okay last night. He was telling everyone what he was going to eat today: noodles, raisins, edamame, waffles and Spider milk. He ended up in our bed with his portable DVD watching Winnie the Pooh with me and ZG and then Evan and Stephanie. The nurse came by at six and went over the IV drugs with me and we gave him everything at 8p. At 10:49pm, after Alex's 2nd dose of morphine last night he stopped breathing and was unresponsive and blue. 911 was called and they were able to get him breathing again. I can't explain how absolutely horrifying it was to see Alex with his eyes rolled back and blue.

Turns out the morphine (injected into his heart) was too high a dose (paramedic said it was a tricky drug to manage) and he has pneumonia. He also probably aspirated while unconscious. I rode in the ambulance and Steve followed in the car. At 3a, he was put into a hospital room and I was given a cab voucher to go home. Up to that point I had had 4 hours sleep in 48 or more hours. I got 6 hours sleep and feel much more human.

So, back to the hospital we go. Alex was upset with me last night in the ER and was yelling at me to stop asking him if he needed suctioning. I have never been so happy to be yelled at in my life!

God bless,


Anonymous said...

Good God! Reading that gave me chills! Yesterday while I was at the hospital visiting Alex he had a dose of Morphine and the nurse said it could cause breathing distress if it was administered too quickly, she also said it would precipitate if it was given in combination with other meds. I can't believe they f*#^%dup the dose you were to give him that badly! That is horrible!

I am still there to make the signs for your door to avoid those annoying questions.

Love, Tina

Anonymous said...

Heavens, my heart sank reading this!!!!! I can't even think of what to say!?

lovin you from next door...

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! How horrible for all of you. Poor Alex! How terrifying to know that it was from a dose of morphine. I hope he's doing better now. I hope you get some time to rest a bit too. Hugs for you all.