Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thursday, Sept 6th- Worse News Possible

So both tumors are increasing and his ventricles are dilated. Bad news on all fronts. Reason to curse the heavens! This leads the doctor to place Alex in "terminal care". Steve does NOT want to talk about it so PLEASE don't even bring it up. I'm trying desperately to hold onto hope. Our vacation may have to be canceled because altitude can aggravate the ventricle situation and cause severe consequences. That news is to be determined later today/tomorrow. Doc is consulting neurosurgery regarding resection, biopsy, shunt as well as experimental neuro-oncology for any treatments due to this new situation. The fact that the "bumps" have grown post radiation (or any treatment) so quickly bodes ill for Alex in a very disturbing way. No timeline can be given at this time.

Numbness setting in. Auto-pilot on. Mascara gone.



Anonymous said...

Oh, Gwen. I know no words can offer comfort right now, so I am holding on to hope with you. I am glad that your doctor is looking into any and all options to fight the progression. Hopefully, even though your vacation may have to be cancelled, Alex will still be able to spend quality time with his dear cousin. My thoughts are with all of you,and don't hesitate to ask if I can do anything at all for you.

Anonymous said...

Hugs and hold on to hope....Our prayers and thoughts are with you. Let us know if there is anything that we can do...

Jo-Nell and crew.

Anonymous said...

We are holding onto hope right along with you. You are in our thoughts and prayers, and we will continue to send positive healing your way. Hugs for all of you. Hold each other tight!
Love from the Vasans

Anonymous said...

Oh Gwen,
You know there are no words. I want to scream and curse with you. I send you all love, hugs and visions of strength and actual moments of laughter in your future.
Love, Kathy

Anonymous said...

Steve and Gwen, You all are in our prayers!!!!! Hope and healing, positive reports, Peace and rest. We are also screaming with you!!!! Love Paul and Dianne

Anonymous said...

Gwen, I was afraid if i started typing that I might break the computer with my angry fingers. I am so upset that god can let this happen to someone as awesome as Alex! I love you all sooo much! I am sending ALL my energy and strength to keep fighting the bump and, keep loving each special moment you have with one another!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Gwen (and, of course, Steve), surely you can hear my anguished scream all the way from SFO. We must all visualize your beautiful Alex smiling, tranquil and well. We must all viaualize you, Steve and Zoe laughing, optimistic and without worry. Ultimately, God is ALWAYS love and, with such an amazing abundance of love in your very special little family, God surely has you all in the optimal embrace. Please try to reach through the overwhelming urge to wail and touch the core of love and peace that personifies each of you. I'm holding you all in my heart with a loving, optimistic fierceness...

Anonymous said...

Have no words...
We send you all our love and energy
Elena, Malena and Dean

Anonymous said...

Gwen, I should have known by your look this morning. Hadn't read the latest. Hope and prayers. Please call me sometime. Sending you all our love....

Susan and Jevin

Dean Steadman said...

Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

My hugs and my kisses to Alex and Zoe. I always cherish my "alone time" with Alex, especially yesterday when we were on the couch in school. He has taught me so much about life. We have our own "secret".
My prayers and love are constantly with Alex and you, his family.

Grace Hoveland