Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday, October 30th - Back to ER

Hi there, first of all Alex is fine but his broviac line just split open during last night's flush and after waiting for an hour to hear from hospice that it would be another hour before anyone could get to him, we headed for the ER. Three hours later Alex left with an IV in his right arm. As scared as he was about getting a poke he never flinched or cried at all while getting the IV. He truly is an amazing child.

So today we headed back to the hospital at 8a to have his line repaired. Three hours later we leave with Alex's third line and flu shots for my sister and me. Alex appears to being doing as well if not better than the last time he was seen by the clinic staff. We are currently gathering information on the risks/benefits of having another MRI done. Steve and I need to make some big decisions and more information would be useful. So I'll let you know when we know our decision.

Yesterday my sister and mother-in-law went to visit the funeral home we have selected. It is a beautiful place right between Alex's two favorite parks. It is very close to home and I like that alot. Anyway, I could not muster the strength to go and actually enter the place so they bravely did it for me (us). When Stephanie left she told the funeral director, " I hope I never see you again." To which he "dittoed" the sentiment! I also had Stephanie and Linda pick up some black cloth to cover our mirrors if Alex should pass. I like this ritual alot and may even take up some more if the situation actually arises.

So I just wanted to fill you in. Love and hugs!
God bless.


Anonymous said...

We are still STANDING!!!!Healing!! Blessings! More strength! Hope! Joy! Peace and Rest! YEH STEPHANIE! Love, big hugs, Paul & Dianne

Anonymous said...

Alex is so brave, and it really helps that everyone around him is doing such an amazing job taking care of him and just taking one step at a time. I am glad Linda and Stephanie are there for you to lean on.


Anonymous said...

Alex gains so much of his strength from the energy you all provide around him - without anyoen even knowing it. Love and hugs to all.
Kathy C

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween to you guys!! Hope you have a great day. Just sending great big happy thoughts your way. Hope Alex gets to have a little of his favorite candy, whatever that may be.
Much love,
Melinda McGrath

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween Alex!! Hope you got some good stuff!! Me and your aunt used to go trick or treating together alot! I remember your grandmother going through our candy to make sure it was ok for us to eat! Luckily it always was!!!
I'm sending you and your family smiles, warmth, hugs, and peace today!! Love, Kerry Roberts (Boyd)