Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunday July 23rd

Daddy's home!!! Well, Friday is a blur. Steve was home but had conference calls through the late afternoon. We all went out for Alex's favorite meal at Macaroni Grill. He just loves the cheese graters there!

Saturday we took both kids to the pediatrician. Zoe had a high fever during the night and Alex coughed and choked all night. The doctor said they both have the same viral infection and to call her if Alex has a fever. Zoe is quite miserable. She is also teething and dealing with a runny nose that is now raw from wiping. Alex seems to be doing better though. We gave him some Night Rest PediaCare last night. Yesterday we also bought Alex a Spiderman Ready Bed. It is an inflatable bed/sleeping bag. We put it in our room and told him if he woke up and wanted to come to our room it would be there for him. He ended up in it some time after midnight and rested well until morning! Can you say Hallelujah!! For the first morning in a while I did not wake up tired. I still could use a nap though to restore my sleep bank reserves.

Well, we had hoped to go to the Denver Zoo today, but Zoe is still running a very high temp even after meds. So it looks like Alex will be getting some "daddy and Alex time" today. I'm okay with that since there is laundry and many other chores to do here at home. Oh yah, and that nap! =0)

I am supposed to return to work tomorrow but most likely won't be able to make it. Steve is facing approaching deadlines on his projects and since Zoe still has a fever, she can not go to school, therefore I will need to be with her. I know I need to get back into a routine. It is just so hard to get used to the "new normal".

Love to you all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea! for sleep!!!,"Nap" what the heck are those? Naps are for KIDS silly rabit;ha! I hope this fever goes away soon! They can really make a person miserable, Poor little Zoe.
Thinking restful thoughts,