Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thursday July 13th Part B

Well, it's over! Round 1; just 59 to go!! Alex was very anxious about the "poke". Even though it did not hurt him, he was so scared and worked up that I had to restrain his hands. Luckily his nurse was fast and very discreet. He never saw the needle.

Initially they gave Alex fluids and antinausea medicine for an hour. Then the chemo for 2 hours. We left at 1:20p and then had lunch in the cafeteria with Steve and Zoe. Steve was able to work from home today and has been a lot of help today.

Alex took a nap this afternoon. He was pretty chipper while playing with the nerf gun he received from a former brain tumor patient today. This little boy and his mother had a bag of toys they were giving to all of the patients. It was very sweet and heart warming.

Alex did not eat dinner and is running a fever. We called the hospital because they said it could mean he is having a reaction to the chemo i.e. blood infection. So we can not give him any otc meds to reduce his fever. We just have to monitor it all night. He has been very weepy this evening and I don't think anyone will get much rest tonight.

I have to go sit with him now and try to help him feel better. Wish me luck!



Anonymous said...

I am so sorry your family has to endure this. My thoughts are in your direction today. I hope you all were able to get some rest.

Anonymous said...

Gwen and Steve,

It's hard to write comments to you. My heart breaks every time I think about the scary things that Alex is experiencing and about each moment of worry that you're enduring. I can say first hand that no child and no parent should ever experience any of this.

But I also have to say that hope and faith have carried me further in my life than I ever imagined. The hope that each treatment brings us one step closer to being healthy. The hope that each day will be a gift. And the faith that our efforts as parents will be rewarded by the health and love of our children.

You have the strength to carry your children through. Just hold them and focus on being Mom and being Dad. Your friends and family will take care of the rest.

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know how much we love all of you! This sounds like such a high mountain to climb. The only thing to do is keep putting one foot in front of the other! I want you to know that you guys have all our support(Just think of us as your personal climbing team). If we can do anything to help(give you a push up the mountain...ha!) or just brighten Alexanders day WE ARE THERE!
Tina, Gregg, Sam and Aidan

Anonymous said...

I remember all too well the first day of the first round of chemo with our son. I know the fears and can tell you that the stresses of this all do get a little easier...I found that after about a month I was officially a "cancer mom"...whatever that meant.

I am thinking of your family and keeping hope.

Danielle McCauley
Mom of Sean and Connor
Sean is 5 years out from brain tumor treatment and cancer free.

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.