Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday, April 14th

Good Morning. Well for the first time in a very long time I did not wake up exhausted. Yesterday I took two naps and was still so tired I had no energy to get anything off my "to-do" list. I still don't feel motivated but I can think. I was able to make it to my therapist's office yesterday. She offered a recommendation for Steve and me; that I thought I would share. She said that often couples in crisis will tear each other/relationship apart because each person is so needy and therefore incapable of meeting the other's needs. Makes sense! She offered the suggestion that we "alternate days" to take care of each other, knowing that our day will be the next one. She said "be the shoulder, give the massage" and stuff like that. So, today is Steve's day and we'll see how it goes. So far I have made breakfast and coffee and brought in the paper. Do you think that counts as a day's worth? =0)

So enough about the grown ups. Alex's radiation was cancelled yesterday, the machine broke! What the machine can break? Was it broken when Alex was in it? THis is NOT right!! I want absolute perfection, no broken machines allowed! But we were all very relieved not to have to get up early and go through the process of radiation. Alex was confused but he was okay with not going to the "new hospital". He's doing quite well. Wednesday was a very good day, Thursday was not and yesterday he ate all day long. When he went to bed he had a "buddha belly". I loved it! His cheeks are quite full now from the steroids but he does not seem to mind. Today he wants to go back to Erie to play with his friends up there. We are considering going out to lunch at Mac Grill, but we'll see.

So Thursday night (after a horrible day for the grown ups) Steve and I had a talk. He brought up the idea that perhaps Roxie is too much of a toll on us right now. I hate to give up on any member of the family. Seems like a bad precedent to set. So we decided to get her into some obedience classes and perhaps contact our neighbors that have offered to walk her and get a schedule going that works. I still don't know how we can handle obedience classes but as she gets bigger it is quite necessary. I asked Alex yesterday morning if he wanted Roxie to stay with us or live with another family that would love her. He said he wants her to stay "but she needs to be trained". Out of the mouths of babes! So we hope to make some calls today. Petsmart has a 6 week, every Saturday class but that seems too intermittent and drawn out. I would rather do so intensive training and get it over with quickly so that she is primed to continue training in the home. Seems like an easier solution. I have no idea though.

Okay, Alex wants me to sit with him. Hope your day is a good one!

God bless,

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