Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thursday, April 12th

Good Morning. I have 5 minutes. Steve and Alex saw Dr. Foreman yesterday and he had done a lit search. There is one other documented case like Alex's. It involved a 20 year old male in Canada. It seems that he and Alex both have/had nonmalignant tumors clone themselves into malignant tumors. I guess that means it did not grow/expand rather it birthed a new one. That would be so interesting if it weren't our son we were talking about.

Alex did well yesterday. He has a play date this afternoon and Sunday. We are expecting 6-12 inches of snow tonight. This morning Alex keeps expressing how scared he is. I wish I knew how to handle it. At first, I told him not to be scared, then I said, "you know, this is scary stuff, it is okay to be scared". We truly have no idea how to handle this. Exhaustion is wearing in on everyone!

Okay, time up.

Make it a great day!
God Bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gwen, you are doing great. I think Alex needs to be able to know that it is okay to feel his feelings. You all are making progress on this path even though it feels like slow torture. Each day that you get through is getting you closer to being done with Chemo/Radiation, and wholeness! Through history large undertakings are always done in small steps, while still keeping the end of the road in sight! Please try to be gentle to yourself as we all wish we could support and hold you in the loving arms of community.

Love, Tina