Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thursday, April 19th pt. 2

I ran out of time earlier, but wanted to say that this is the 12 year anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. The anniversary of the day I lost my innocence and belief that the world was good and safe. It makes me so very sad to remember this day every year. Even worse to realize that the world's innocent still suffer at the hands of evil every day. While you are praying, please take a moment and pray for peace. Peace in the hearts and minds of all mankind.

God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear sweet nice and her husband, you and your two precious babies are in our hearts and prayers. What a hard journy you are expercing. Just know that all of you are with us each and every day. Be stroung. You will prevail! We send all of our love, Aunt Jan and Uncle Steve