Friday, July 07, 2006

Friday - July 7th

It's Friday and Alex went to school yesterday for an hour. He was very anxious and asked to sit in my lap before going to the classroom. When I picked him up he was a different kid! He showed me his bean plant and just talked and talked and talked. We then stopped in at my office and saw everyone there. It was great to see that normal life is still going on and that it is available to me. Alex held court while everyone commented on how good he looked and how great it was to see him up and around. It is wonderful to have Alex home. We are trying diligently to get back into a routine. He has lost some weight and does not seem interested in eating, not even his favorite foods at times. If his weight loss continues, the doctors will check to see if there is a physiological cause due to the cranial nerve damage. I pray it is just a healing process and to be expected under the circumstances. Alex has always eaten in phases so I'm holding onto that thought.

We just got our first chemo appointment set. It is next Thursday at 10am. Each will take 3 hours and he will also start on an antinausea medication at that time. I now have to look into the physical, occupational and speech therapy appointments and get those going. Someone commented that I have a new full time job, I'm starting to believe them. Steve and I are going to switch chemo appointments every other week; it seems too much for one parent to endure alone.

Steve and I did have our date night and it was great. We finally got a chance to process the situation and prior month or so. We talked about how wonderful it has been to have this large community support and how it has really affected us in a very positive way. Thank you all for your continued support.

Steve's sister and brother-in-law returned to San Francisco yesterday evening. They were such a wonderful help and it was great having them in our home. Since, we are tied to Denver for the next 60 weeks (due to chemo) they have planned to return for Thanksgiving. I hope all of our family will come out for the holiday(s) and share in the joy of life that is Alex and Zoe!! BTW, Zoe is officially a toddler now. She wants to walk everywhere, even if she does fall down on every third step!!! It is incredible how resilient kids are!

I just have a few more minutes before I need to pick up Alex. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Kisses and hugs to you all.



Anonymous said...

You are still on our minds and in our hearts and prayers!!! Love Paul % Dianne

Anonymous said...

Gwen and family -

We are so happy that Alex continues to make great strides in his recovery from surgery. We continue to think of you and have great hope that Alex will keep doing better as he starts his next round of treatment.

The Blues

Anonymous said...

Yeah Alexander!!! WE love you all so much. I am looking forward to the next time we can play together! If you guys need another date night I'd be glad to facilitate that endeavor!
Love, Tina, Gregg, Sam and Aidan

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of you with each day and sending you all of our well wishes, love and hope! We are so happy that Alex is home! I am not sure what we can offer from so far away but please know that we are here for you all!!!!
The Slaters
Mark, Julie, Holly and Abby

Anonymous said...

We think of you often. Hope you are doing better and continue to let us know if you need anything.

Love, Susan, Jevin, Emma and Mitchell

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.