Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday July 17th

Hi all. Well the weekend was HOT!!! Zoe got her first haircut at 14.5 months and now has very cute bangs with curls on her neck. We had friends over for dinner Saturday night and drank a few, much needed margaritas. Yesterday, we headed for the hills to O'Fallon Park past the Red Rock Ampitheater in Morrison, Colorado. We found a nice shady spot on the river and played for an hour or so before visiting our dear friends Jami and Gerry Boarman in Evergreen. It was a nice relaxing day out of the blistering, record setting heat of Denver. When we returned home at 7p, the temperature was still 20 degrees hotter than at the Boarman's home.

I wish I could say that we have gotten some sleep, but that would not be the case. Alex is still very restless and cries often during the night. I just got off the phone with the neurooncology nurse and she had to ask Dr. Foreman what to do. The first directive is to stop giving Alexander the antinausea drug and to give a dose of Benadryl at bedtime. Alexander is still complaining of an upset stomach. "Mommie, my tummy feels like I am going to spit up". So I continued the medication. The nurse said this and the "trauma" of hospitalization combined with surgery could be causing his night terrors. I sure hope they are right and it is the medication. We all need a good night's rest.

So Steve left for a business trip this afternoon. We will all miss him horribly. I just hope he can get some rest while he is gone. My focus this week is to figure out how the rest of the year will play out. No small task I must say!!

Alex is not eating much these days and I am afraid he is losing too much weight
. When Alex does not finish his waffles, you know he is not well!! I'll keep trying his favorite foods. If this continues much longer they will have to test his swallow mechanism to see if it has been damaged, thus causing a physiological reason for not eating.

I can't tell you how nice it is to have the postings available to read at any time. Words do have power and yours have helped me continue on with hope and comfort. Thank you all.

P.S. The picture attached was taken yesterday.


Anonymous said...

If it provides any relief, a mild stomach bug that hangs around has definitely been milling about recently. Jackson has complained that his tummy hurts for over a week, although he has only thrown up once. Both boys have had mild diarrhea, and so have their friends across the street and others at MAC. The kids' appetites in general have been way down. It is understandable that Alexander has other reasons for feeling poorly, too, but this may also be going on. Just a thought...
~Annie Tunheim, mom of Jackson and Alex

Anonymous said...

Dear Gwen, if we can help out a distraction over this week or the coming week let us know. We will be out on a trip to Pennsylvania and after that to Napa. We will be continuing to think of you all while we are away (and of course reading your blog). Actually checking your blog has become such a regular part of my daily routine that I miss the days that there aren't updates (that either means that I need to "get a life or that you all mean a lot to me;I'd rather choose the latter). Is the anti-nausia med Zofran by any chance? I have a lot of personal experience with that drug (during pregnancy with Sam and Aidan).
Keep up the amazing work. If you just need to take a nap, call so you can get a little break.


Anonymous said...

Thoughts of a good nights sleep for your whole family is coming your way from our family. Hugs from a stranger.

Anonymous said...

You all are still in our prayers! Thanks for your blog. WE LOVE YOU, Paul & Dianne